Matt Gaetz Supports Allowing Guns at the Polls

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Voting has gotten very different over the past couple of decades. With partisan politics so tribal, it can be intimidating these days. Representative Matt Gaetz thinks he knows how to change that.

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Gaetz thinks it would be appropriate to allow people to go armed to the voting polls, That way, he says, they won’t feel intimidated. “I sort of like [Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas] Massie’s legislation that maybe everyone who’s a voter or on their way to vote ought to have the opportunity to carry a firearm to ensure that they’re not subject to any intimidation,” Gaetz said, according to The Hill.

“The Massie amendment was proposed — but failed 24-20 — during debate on a gun law that would raise the age to legally buy a semi-automatic firearm to 21 and one to ban ‘straw purchases,’ which are when a proxy buyer purchases a gun for someone who does not pass a background check,” reports the MAGA Tribute

“Voters should be permitted to carry a gun to their polling place to protect themselves against intimidation, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said Thursday during a House Judiciary Committee markup session on new guns laws,” tweeted one twitter user.

You may be surprised at some of the states that ban guns at polling places. The states that do so are:
Washington, D.C.
Puerto Rico

These states ban concealed weapons at the polls:
South Carolina

Some swing states, like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and North Carolina, don’t address whether voters can go armed to the polls.

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No one should feel intimidated anywhere they go. Certainly no one should feel intimidated when they go to do their patriotic duty of voting. Should people be allowed to go armed to vote?

Stacey Warner

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