DeSantis Just Beat Trump for the Second Year in a Row in Straw Poll

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is very popular among conservatives, not only in Florida but throughout the United States.  One straw poll indicates he is so popular he could beat Trump in the next Presidential election.

For the second year in a row, Ron DeSantis has beat out Donald Trump in a straw poll conducted at a conservative conference in Colorado, called the Western Conservative Summit.

This year, when asked about the 2024 Presidential election, attendees at the conference approved of a DeSantis Presidency 71% over Donald Trump, who got 67% of the vote. Other options the attendees could choose from this year were Senator Ted Cruz who received 29%, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson who got 24% and  Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who got 18% support. 

Lagging behind were Tim Scott at 17%, Mike Pompeo with 17%, Donald Trump, Jr. with 16%, Nikki Haley with 15% and coming in last, Mike Pence with 14%. 

DeSantis beat out Trump last year as well, with a vote of 74% to 71% among attendees at the same conference. 

Voters were allowed to choose more than one potential candidate, using the approval method, so the numbers total more than 100%.  The poll conductor, Frank Attwood, said the approval voting method “minimizes spoilers and sabotage and gives viability and visibility to minor candidates,”  reports Newsweek. 

The Centennial Institute website states that among its goals is to “impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution and Western civilization.” It also says it hopes to “be seekers of truth and to debunk ‘spent ideas’ and those who traffic in them.”

Also interesting at this year’s summit is that Tulsi Gabbard, 2020 Democratic Party candidate for President gave a keynote speech. While the summit says it always invites all major political leaders, regardless of affiliation, to speak, Tulsi Gabbard is only the second Democrat to accept its invitation.

See how Ron DeSantis wants to stop transgender surgeries on minors in Florida

Ron DeSantis has now narrowly beat Donald Trump in this summit’s straw poll for two years straight. Neither man has yet committed to making a run for the 2024 Presidential election. If both were to run in the primaries, who would win? What if Tulsi Gabbard were to run, how would she do if she runs again as a Democrat? What about if she switched parties and ran as a Republican?

Stacey Warner

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