Trump Endorses JR Majewski For Congress In Ohio

Trump just endorsed J.R. Majewski for congress who previously made headlines for painting a giant Trump sign outside of his home.
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On Sunday, President Donald Trump endorsed JR Majewski and called him a “fantastic Congressman” in his race against Democrat Marcy Kaptur to take Ohio’s ninth district slated for the November general election.

“In Congress, J.R. will promote American Energy, Secure the Border, Support our Farmers, Protect Life, Defend the Second Amendment, Fight for Election Integrity, and Provide our Veterans with the Care they Deserve,” Trump said in the announcement.

The former president also said that Majewski’s opponent is “controlled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Radical Left.”

“She wants to stay there forever and do nothing,” Trump said ripping into Kaptur.

Shortly after winning his primary, Trump mentioned that he was not sure he would endorse Magewski, but has obviously changed his mind.

“I didn’t want to endorse him, because he wasn’t really going to win,” Trump told a rally in Pennsylvania.

Last month, Trump called him up at an event in Dallas, TX. Watch the rousing video next.

“This country is missing blue-collared patriots that support this guy right here. The best president that this country has ever seen,” said the Republican candidate for Congress about Trump. “I was able to leverage my love for this man and my district’s love for this man to put boots on the ground.”

His opponent, Marcy Kaptur, is the longest serving woman in Congress. She’s served four decades and currently chairs two committees for the Democrats.

Majewski is an ardent Trump supporter as evidence by the flag he painted for him in 2020.
The congressional candidate painted a massive Trump 2020 banner on his front lawn before the previous election.

Majewski previously made headlines for painting a massive 19,000 square foot blue Trump flag outside of his home in Port Clinton, Ohio – which he did in conjunction with members of a local veterans group.

In a lighthearted video, Majewski also recorded a rap song before where he said that “Joe was focusing on ice cream while he was crapping his pants.”

He is an air force veteran and worked in the nuclear industry. The self-admitted blue collar man started as a security guard at Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station in Toledo and worked his way up to become an assistant project manager there. He also worked in the license renewal department at the Perry Nuclear Power Plant outside of Cleveland.

He has since worked in several energy companies since and most recently worked for a Florida energy company named Holtec. He quit his job there several weeks before his primary election to focus on his campaign for Congress.

His website says that he wants to “abolish all unconstitutional three letter agencies such as the Department of Energy.”

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In an interview with E&E news, he expounded on what that means by saying that “almost every one of these three-letter agencies could function a lot better.”

He faces a tough road. Ohio’s 9th district is a D+9, which means that Democrats have a 9% voter registration advantage over Republicans. Polling nationally has Democrats trailing Republicans overall in taking the House, though.

Surprisingly, the media has tried to run several hit pieces on the man, but he has distanced himself from the attacks several times. He instead wants to focus on shaking up Washington and continuing to drain the swamp in Trump’s footsteps.

Do you think Majewski will be a great asset in Congress? Let us know your thoughts below.

Trump Endorses JR Majewski For Congress In Ohio

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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