“We Cannot Wait Another Second:” Jon Voight Calls For Biden Impeachment

Actor Jon Voight declares it's time to impeach Biden.
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Hollywood Actor and Oscar winner Jon Voight has now called for President Joe Biden to be impeached and said he has “wronged this nation’s glory.”

The actor has been an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump for years, and on Tuesday, he solidified his conservative credentials by speaking out on Twitter about the need to impeach Biden right now.

He posted a video captioned with the question, “Can we all see eye to eye?”

Voight did not go into details about a specific crime to impeach Biden with, but he did say we need to do it for our nation’s “safety.”

“My dear friends, we’re all saddened by so much turmoil that has been brought upon this life we live,” Voight said. “Can this darkness be lifted? Can we all share joy once again and see eye to eye?”

“We have a troubled nation with much horror from these criminals that are ruining lives,” he continued. “We must stop this now. We must bring back our nation’s safety.

“Our police must act on righteousness and guard our neighborhoods, our businesses, our children, our elderly, our veterans and our handicapped. We must protect this nation and bring back safety. We’re all feeling very unsafe.”

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“We’re all angry, and let’s remember why,” he said targeted his message at Biden. “It starts with the seat of the president of the United States. He has wronged this nation’s glory. He has taken down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free.

“He must be impeached. We cannot wait another second having him dictate our path. Let us work together, get him out and make this country [what] it stands for—greatness, the land of opportunity, the land of the greatest soil our forefathers fought for.

“Don’t let this President Biden tear down every inch that was sacrificed with blood, sweat and tears for his dictation of lies. I urge all to see truths, I urge all to make a difference for our children’s future, our future.”

Voight concluded, “This land is being broken down. But we as a nation of God’s truths shall build her up once again and bring her to her feet with glory. God bless America.”

Voight was a staunch supporter of Trump against his impeachments and gave similar messages at the time. Speaking in general terms he said, “Let me stand with our president. Let us all stand with our President Trump in a time of such evil words trying for impeachment.”

Voight said in one of his speeches on the platform that Trump has delivered on the promises he made in 2016, but that the radical left has worked hard to destroy it.

Jon Voight has bravely spoken out for Conservatives using his platform to the chagrin of liberals. They do not like any Conservative speaking their mind and standing up against the lawlessness that they represent. Do you agree with Voight’s message?

“We Cannot Wait Another Second:” Jon Voight Calls For Biden Impeachment

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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