Pope Francis Blasts “Incoherence” of Biden’s Abortion Stance

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Pope Francis finally took a stance on United States President Joe Biden and his support for expanding abortion access.

For months the Vatican has refused to push back against pro-abortion Catholic Democrats despite individual parishes around the country speaking out against them. Some parishes even went as far as to ban pro-choice Democrat politicians from receiving communion over their position on the controversial procedure.

Now Pope Frances has weighed in on the debate about the self-proclaimed life long Catholic president and his policies. In a recent interview, the Pope blasted the president for what he said was “incoherence” in his personal views.

“What do you think about a Catholic president that wants to legalize abortion in the U.S.?” Maria Antonieta Collins asked the pope in the new interview.

Francis responded, “I leave it up to his conscience, and that he should talk to his bishop, his pastor, his parish priest about that incoherence.”

While the new, more pointed statement on the Biden and his policies is certain to create waves, the pope has never hidden his personal opposition to abortion. Just last week he spoke out firmly against abortion and Roe v Wade, saying it doesn’t match up with modern science.

“Science today and any book on embryology, the one our medical students study, tells you that 30 days after conception there is DNA and the laying out already of all the organs,” Francis declared

“Is it legitimate, is it right, to eliminate a human life to resolve a problem? It’s a human life – that’s science. The moral question is whether it is right to take a human life to solve a problem,” the Pope questioned.

Joe Biden along with Nancy Pelosi and a whole handful of other powerful Democrats consider them devout Catholics despite supporting abortion. How do you think they will react to the new criticism coming directly from the Vatican this time?

Pope Francis Blasts “Incoherence” of Biden’s Abortion Stance

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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