We’ve seen a nominee to the Supreme Court, now a Supreme Court Associate Justice, refuse to define the word “woman.” Everyone on the far left has their own pronoun, regardless of the gender they were at birth. Now, even the Church of England refuses to define what a “woman” is.
The Church of England now can’t, or won’t define what a “woman” is. Responding to lay church member Adam Kendry’s question, “[w]hat is the Church of England’s definition of a woman?” senior Bishop Rt Rev Robert Innes said, “[t]here is no official definition, which reflects the fact that until fairly recently definitions of this kind were thought to be self-evident, as reflected in the marriage liturgy.” The Bishop now thinks the definition is more complicated.
Great Britain News personality Calvin Robinson says it’s not that hard to define what a “woman” is. “The definition of ‘woman’ is not a complex moral problem,” he said. “It is a scientific and biblical truth. How can you trust someone who cannot speak the truth about such basic facts?”
Twitter users had a lot of comments and questions after this story came out. Here’s one tweet: “I have questions can someone at the @churchofengland help? 1. If there’s “No official definition of Woman” then what was Eve? 2. How do we know Adam was a man? 4. Was Eve a man too? 3. If Adam & [Eve] were men then how were babies made? 4. Is Jesus definitely a man? 5. What is a man?
I have questions can someone at the @churchofengland help?
— TheFamousArtistBirdyRose (@TheFamousArtBR) July 10, 2022
1. If there’s “No official definition of Woman” then what was Eve?
2. How do we know Adam was a man?
4. Was Eve a man too?
3. If Adam & were men then how were babies made?
4. Is Jesus definitely a man?
5. What is a man?
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The refusal of people to define what a woman is is ridiculous. The far left has made people afraid to say what and who is a woman for fear of being canceled. And they have a reason to be afraid because cancelation can ruin people. What do you think a “woman” is? What about a “man?” Tell us your definition in the comments.