GOP Rep Clashes With Pete Buttigieg Over Biden’s Mental Health

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On Tuesday, Texas Republican Congressman Troy Nehls ripped Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg over Biden’s mental decline and blatant cognitive issues during a House Transportation hearing focused on bipartisan infrastructure law.

Nehls brought poster boards showing Biden’s mental fitness and grilled Buttigieg after he previously questioned Former President Donald Trump’s mental acuity.

“Sadly, he shakes hands with ghosts and imaginary people, he falls off bicycles — even at the White House Easter celebration the Easter Bunny had to guide him back into his safe place,” Nehls said as he showed pictures of Biden with his hand outstretched to no one.

“First of all, I’m glad to have a president who can ride a bicycle,” Buttigieg replied cheekily. “I will look beyond the insulting nature of that question, and make clear to you —” the secretary then replied before being interrupted.

The GOP representative also showed the cue card that included instructions for the president such as “YOU take YOUR seat.” We reported on that here when it happened in June.

Nehls then asked if discussions had taken place about implementing the “25th amendment on President Biden” because of his mental state.

In another notable exchange, Nehls asked Buttigeig to define America in a single word.

“Please describe America to me in one single word. What would that be if you could describe America in one single word?” the congressman said.

Buttigieg responded, “For me, I guess home.”

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“Fair enough. Fair enough. Well, just a few weeks ago, this is how President Biden described America in one word. Could you please tell me what that word means? It’s this one right here. Could you even say the word?” continued Nehls pointing to a sign with one of Biden’s word salads on it.

“I’m not in the habit of trying to read transcriptions,” responded Buttigieg.

Ouch! That was a grilling. This is the kind of mean exchanges that we expect from our Congressman and it’s good to see someone finally calling out the obvious failed mental state that Biden is in. They said such nasty things about Trump and his mental state and the media has nearly fallen silent in regards to this President. Do you think that Biden is health enough to be President?

GOP Rep Clashes With Pete Buttigieg Over Biden’s Mental Health

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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