Sen. Kennedy: Bidenflation a “Cancer On The American Dream”

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On Tuesday, Senate Judiciary Committee member John Kennedy discussed the upcoming release of new economic figures showing whether we are in a recession or not on Fox News’ Jesse Waters.

The Louisiana Senator called the inflation that has raged throughout the Biden presidency is a “cancer on the American dream.”

Kennedy continued in a statement saying he was glad that President Joe Biden has recovered from the virus but he still thinks his policies are sick.

According to Trading Economics, the US’s inflation rate grew to 9.1 percent in June. This is the highest it has ever been since November of 1981.

“After 18 months, we know what President Biden stands for. If you don’t know by now, you’re thick as a brick,” the senator continued talking to Watters.

“He believes in bigger government; higher taxes; more spending — more debt, more regulation, open borders, a weaker military and turning cops into social workers — and those policies have hurt the American people deeply.”

Kennedy then ripped into the President for his administration’s early labeling of inflation as simply transitory.

“In no respect has President Biden hurt the American people more than in their pocketbooks: And I’m talking about inflation,” Kennedy clarified.

“Inflation — which is a direct result of the president’s policies — is a cancer on the American dream. And it is rampant. It is unrestrained.”

He then made a hilarious joke told to him by one of his constituents about how if inflation continues that Starbucks will need to rename the chain “TenBucks” in reference to the increasing cost of their coffee.

“From where I sit, the solution is so straightforward,” Kennedy continued. “Number one: While the Federal Reserve is doing its job, stop spending — we have a federal budget; live within it. Number two: Start to reduce the deficit. Number three: Freeze all federal proposed federal regulations, which are just going to add to the cost of goods and services.”

Kennedy says that Biden must put back in place Trump-era energy policies and expand the Tax Cut and Jobs act that Republicans passed under his presidency. It expires this week.

“If you do those things, in my judgment, inflation will start to abate in a matter of months. And if you don’t do them, we’re just going to continue to be face-down in the desert.” 

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Kennedy is right. The worst part about the inflation is that it could be slowed down if Biden would reverse the executive orders that he signed the minute he took office that cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline and made it harder for oil companies to drill. Do you think the Biden administration is just totally incompetent or are they doing all this on purpose?

Sen. Kennedy: Bidenflation a “Cancer On The American Dream”

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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