Justice Clarence Thomas Not Returning to Teach At George Washington Law School After Student Petition

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Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas is very unpopular amongst liberals. He sided with conservatives in the Dobbs case that overturned Roe v. Wade. He also suggested that the Supreme Court should overturn the cases that legalized gay marriage and the right to birth control. Now it seems that some liberals got their way, by petitioning for him to be removed as an instructor at George Washington Law School.

In addition to the petition, student leaders also wrote a letter to the law school expressing their outrage at Justice Thomas. The first line of the letter states, “We, the undersigned students of The George Washington University are profoundly outraged by not only Clarence Thomas’s lack of humanity but also his official suggestion to reconsider the cases to which the right to contraception and the right to queer existence is protected.” The letter is signed by many students and they all included their pronouns with their signatures.

“Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas will not teach a Constitutional Law Seminar this fall, according to an email addressed to students in the seminar” that was obtained by the school’s student newspaper, The Hatchet.

Act For American Founder & Chairman Brigitte Gabriel tweeted, “Justice Clarence Thomas will no longer be teaching his class at George Washington University Law School after snowflake students complained. The esteemed Supreme Court Justice has been lecturing at GWU for over a decade.”

Federal Judge Gregory Maggs, who has co-taught the course with Thomas since 2011, wrote to the students at the law school, “Unfortunately, I am writing with some sad news: Justice Thomas has informed me that he is unavailable to co-teach the seminar this fall,” Maggs said in an email obtained by The Hatchet. “I know that this is disappointing. I am very sorry.” Maggs continued, “The seminar has not been canceled but I will now be the sole instructor. For those of you still interested in taking the course, I assure you that we will make the best of the new situation.”

Courtesy of NewsNation via YouTube.com

Justice Thomas is no longer listed as an instructor on the school’s website. This all comes after a student-led petition obtained over 11,000 signatures asking the school to remove him as an instructor. The school declined to do so.

University spokesperson Tim Pierce would not say if Justice Thomas might return in the future or if his decision not to teach the upcoming seminar is related to the student petition or letter.

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The students at George Washington Law School were successful at getting rid of Justice Thomas as an instructor. That is a real shame, especially for those students who went to that school because Thomas was an instructor. The school refused to dismiss him as an instructor. Did the students cancel him, or did he cancel himself?

Stacey Warner

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