Leave it to the Democrats to lie at every opportunity. From campaign speeches to campaign ads when it is convenient to them, they will spin the truth.Â
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As Americans we learned that any political advertisement is mainly geared to share a message regardless if points are made up or not. In this instance not even the people in this advertisement are in the careers that they portray on video.

The washington free beacon writes. In a recent campaign ad, a blue-collar mechanic is actually a lawyer and the local party chairman.
The ad, released by Rep. Chris Pappas’s campaign on Tuesday, shows Pappas talking to a mechanic at a repair shop – but Pappas’s “mechanic” is an attorney at a Concord law firm and the chairman of the Manchester Democrats. A spokesman for the New Hampshire GOP said Pappas is out of touch with the working class since he has a net worth of $5 million.
Most people would say that lying is unethical and should not be done when someone is trying to get the peoples’ trust, enough so they vote for them.
According to NPR. It is true that candidates can lie in political ads. Former Federal Communications Commission chair Tom Wheeler said, “Unfortunately, you can lie.” While the FTC regulates commercial advertising, the FCC does not regulate political ads. While some have called for a “neutral government regulator” to oversee political speech, Congress has not shown any interest in such a proposal. As a matter of fact, many courts have repeatedly upheld candidates’ First Amendment rights to essentially say whatever they want on federally regulated broadcast channels. Even blatantly false ads cannot be rejected by local broadcasters.
There you have it. politicians can lie as much as they want, to anyone they want, in any political advertisement on television and there is zero consequence for it. So the next time your sitting down, and you’re eating dinner, and watching television, and you see a political advertisement, make sure you do your own fact-checking before you even consider voting for that person regardless of party.