WATCH: RNC Releases Shocking Video Slamming Democrats’ Plan for 87,000 New IRS Agents

WATCH: RNC Releases Shocking Video Slamming Democrats’ Plan for 87,000 New IRS Agents
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The Democrats are out-of-touch with Americans’ pain and suffering. They celebrate raising taxes on families during an economic recession that they created while weaponizing IRS Agents to target small businesses. Now, the RNC is fighting back with a new video that slams the Democrats for wanting to create an army of 87,000 new IRS agents.

Democrats have done it again… made life worse for the average American

There’s a new video from the Republican National Committee (RNC) blasting Democrats for ramming through their Bidenflation Scam bill, which will raise taxes and hire 87,000 new IRS agents.

Responding to the Democrats latest move, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said, “Biden and Democrats are out-of-touch and do not care about the pain and suffering they are causing Americans. Democrats celebrate raising taxes on families during a recession they created and weaponizing the IRS to target small businesses and hardworking Americans,”

Democrat leaders last week passed the Bidenflation Scam – a bill that will shrink the economy, kill thousands of jobs, impose crushing taxes on families and businesses, and worsen inflation rather than reduce it.

Despite Americans paying more taxes, Biden and Democrats voted to give the IRS $80 billion to conduct additional audits and hire 87,000 new IRS agents. Compared to taxpayer services, the Bidenflation Scam bill spends 14 times as much on enforcement.

A new army of IRS agents would disproportionately target poorer Americans. Last year, the IRS audited Americans earning $25,000 more than other income groups, and more than half of its audits targeted those making less than $75,000.

Biden’s Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre was asked about the bill and how it would reduce inflation. Her response says volumes and you have to see it yourself

Jean-Pierre also argued that the White House is aware of what the American people are feeling and gave examples of how the president has “partly” helped in attempting to improve inflation issues, noting the introduction of the Inflation Reduction Act.

The Daily Caller reports that a poll conducted by ABC News/Ipsos found that only 37% of Americans approve of the economy’s performance under President Joe Biden.

Biden has once again proven that he is not beholden to the American people. He’s waging war against the middle class with this new move to weaponize the IRS, and Americans should be very concerned.

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