In this video, I’m going to show you some shocking footage that was recently released of the IRS recruiting program. These photos and videos will make you hope that it’s all just a nightmare and that we’re not actually living in Clown World.
You’re probably wondering what in the world is going on with our government. Recently, the IRS released some videos with an inside look of their recruitment program and they are absolutely horrifying. This video is dedicated to showing those photos and videos to you so that you can see for yourself how ridiculous they look.

After Biden signed the “Inflation Reduction Act”, Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie took a shot at Democrats by posting photos from an actual IRS recruiting program to his Twitter page.

“These are not auditions for the next Police Academy sequel. This is an actual IRS recruiting program,” Massie wrote alongside the photos.
Here’s our “Benny Hill” version of the peak inside their recruiting super inclusive program.
After the video and images circulated online, it was mocked.

One person wrote, “Here’s a fun game: How many safety and basic technique violations are there in this photo?”

Another person posted this photo.

And this user tweeted, “This is known as the “venti mocha-cappuccino” grip.”

And this person said, “Look at those smiles…so…so beautiful. Nothing brings a country together like a fed shooting someone in the back.”
As Congress prepared to pass the Inflation Reduction Act that would greatly expand the federal agency, an online job posting for special agents within the law enforcement branch of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) caused a stir on social media last week.

In addition to being “legally permitted to carry a firearm,” the job posting states that “major duties” include “be willing to use deadly force, if necessary,” along with “Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.”
The IRS is becoming a deadly army while the Democrats are trying to take away guns from law abiding Americans. It just goes to show you how much the Democrats really care about the people they serve.