Liberal War Zone: Violence In Philadelphia Surges, Police Abandoning the City

Liberal War Zone: Violence In Philadelphia Surges, Police Abandoning the City
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The city of brotherly love no more – as violence in Philadelphia has been rising at a startling rate, leaving many Philly residents in fear for their lives. 

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Philadelphia has seen a massive spike in crime and violence this year, as budget cuts to the city’s police department take full effect. Residents are living in fear that their neighborhoods are being turned into warzones. 

Townhall writes. As gun violence continues to increase in Philadelphia, residents are frustrated by the lack of public safety.

rime Map records 1,496 shootings in Philadelphia since January 1, 2022.

Philly Crime Map records 1,496 shootings in Philadelphia since January 1, 2022.

Recently, a shooter in a car opened fire on a group of people near a recreation center where children were playing near a recreational center in West Philadelphia. There were five people shot in the incident.

During this huge surge of violence, police officers are  leaving the city in droves.

Officer dot com writes. The Philadelphia Police Department has faced a critical shortage of officers for months – and it’s only going to get worse as hundreds more officers plan to leave. In the last four years, more than 800 police officers and civilians have enrolled in the city’s deferred pension program to set retirement dates within the next four years.

It’s incredible that these liberal cities are the one seeing massive spikes in crime, but when you look at a lot of the conservative ran cities the crime rates were actually decreasing. I hope that the residents of Philadelphia become more active and demand that the city bring on more officers, and they can hopefully begin to take back control. 

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