Pinocchio Joe! Biden SLAPPED Down After Fact-Checkers Look At What He Just Said

Pinocchio Joe! Biden SLAPPED Down After Fact-Checkers Look At What He Just Said
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Almost every politician exaggerates and there are some who tell outright lies. In his long political career, Joe Biden has been prone to both. Wait until you hear his latest

Joe Biden made another gaffe this week. According to the Western Journal, Joe Biden made such a whopper during the signing of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 earlier this month that he earned “four pinocchios” in a fact-check published Thursday.

As a result of the new legislation, Biden boasted that 1 million new construction jobs would be created over the next six years, “There’s an analysis that says investment in the Chips and Science Act will create 1 million — more than 1 million construction jobs alone over the next six years building semiconductor factories in America.”

Two days later, he repeated the claim on Twitter:

However, according to one of the Biden administration’s strongest mainstream media allies, the actual number is closer to 6,200.

As a fact-checker for The Washington Post, Glen Kessler reported that the president used an ‘analysis’ to support his claim that 1 million construction jobs would be created. However, we were puzzled when the White House’s ‘fact sheet’ on the bill did not include the figure.”

Kessler wrote, “It turns out this number is wildly exaggerated,” the “first tip-off” that the claim might be false was the sheer size of the number.

He further explained, “The second tip-off is that Biden was specific — 1 million construction jobs in six years. Before the pandemic tanked jobs, the U.S. economy took four years to add 1 million construction jobs, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data — from all industries, not just the semiconductor business,”

Biden’s claim was based on a 2021 report issued by the Semiconductor Industry Association, according to Kessler’s team.

As stated in the fact-check, “That report touted the contribution of the semiconductor industry and examined the potential impact of a $50 billion federal investment program, similar to the Chips Act.”

The fact-checkers were alerted by that third tip. According to Kessler, the report was issued by an industry advocate dedicated to highlighting the economic contributions of the industry.

According to SIA spokeswoman Sarah Ravi, Biden’s “statement about 1 million construction jobs is not accurate.”

In politics, administrations work hard to present their accomplishments in the best possible light. We are naturally inclined to do so. However, there is a point at which exaggeration crosses over into outright fabrication.

As reported in The Western Journal, The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported last week that inflation had decreased from 9.1 percent to 8.5 percent. Biden lied outright about that instead of reporting it

The mainstream media would have attacked any Republican president using word games like this before he could even get his comments out, as it goes without saying. Before he even spoke, there would have been attacks against the Republican president if he were named Donald Trump.

The cheerleading mainstream media doesn’t cover Joe Biden like that, of course. CNN’s slant was classic CNN – inflation is taking a “breather.”

As a result of his efforts to “build an economy from the bottom up and the middle out,” Biden cited economists’ definition of core inflation and a job report last week showing 528,000 new jobs.

Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law on Tuesday. Instead of lowering inflation, this legislation will fund climate change programs and add 87,000 new IRS auditors, despite its misleading name.

Despite the fact that over 2 million undocumented immigrants will have entered the U.S. illegally by the end of this fiscal year, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas consistently claims that our border is secure. You can hear him lying around the 37 minute mark.

Courtesy of NBC via

He says this at the same time that cities across America are asking for federal assistance to deal with the influx of illegal immigrants.

It has become impossible to believe nearly anything Biden and his minions say to Americans. When a bill is expected to create fewer than one percent of 1 million new jobs, it is a blatant lie. I commend Kessler for calling him out on this and hope that the American people also see through Biden’s lies

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