Out of Nowhere Poland issues TRILLION DOLLAR DEMAND That’s 75 Years old To Germany

Out of Nowhere Poland issues TRILLION DOLLAR DEMAND That's 75 Years old To Germany
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 Poland is reviving old tensions with Germany as Poland’s Prime Minister is demanding trillions of dollars in war reparations.

World War 2 was one of the most horrific events in human history. Recently Poland has brought up old wounds, and is demanding reparations that were never paid to them following WW2.

Daily Caller writes. On Thursday, the Polish government revealed its intention to seek $1.32 trillion in reparations from Germany for World War II damages.

In a presentation of the “report on losses suffered by Poland as a result of aggression and German occupation during World War II 1939-1945″ in Warsaw on Thursday, the Polish government argued that Germany had failed to fully make up for the loss in life and material resources Poland suffered at the hand of the Third Reich during World War II. According to the Polish government, Germany “degraded” Poland’s economic development and caused 5.2 million deaths, preventing it from achieving economic growth.

Germany did some horrific things to Poland back in the war, and subsequent years under a communist rule worsened the already horrendous situation.

Cnn writes. Six million Poles, including three million Polish Jews, died during the war, and Warsaw was completely destroyed following an uprising in 1944 that killed about 200,000 civilians. 

Under pressure from the Soviet Union, Poland’s then-communist rulers relinquished all claims to war reparations in 1953, freeing East Germany, a Soviet satellite, from any obligations. According to PiS, Poland was unable to negotiate a fair compensation for this agreement.

Donald Tusk, leader of Poland’s biggest opposition party Civic Platform, said on Thursday that Kaczynski’s announcement was “not about reparations.”

“It’s about an internal political campaign to rebuild support for the ruling party,” he said.

Poland is due reparations from the damages caused in WW2. Full Stop

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