Kerry Shows up in Hanoi To Declare Climate War But EVERYONE Noticed Something Wrong When He Arrived

Kerry Shows up in Hanoi To Declare Climate War But EVERYONE Noticed Something Wrong When He Arrived
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Biden’s Climate Czar John Kerry is back and he’s here to lecture us again about the climate. And Yes we all noticed he hasn’t given up his private jet. But how else would he fly around the world to warn us of the impending doom.Wait until you see what he said this time.

This one is laughable.

According to Grabien News. John Kerry told a reporter Monday that the climate crisis is a broader threat than WAR! When talking about the energy crisis caused by the War in Ukraine John Kerry told the reporter that climate is a bigger threat to us all.

How can you even take this guy seriously?

John Kerry also came under fire recently for his comments regarding China following his calls to resume bilateral action on climate.

US News Reports. Kerry called on world leaders to speed up their energy transition away from fossil fuels on Tuesday to avert a global warming crisis.

Kerry told reporters, “As the world’s two largest economies, the United States and China must work together to tackle climate change. Both countries emit the most greenhouse gasses in the world. “My hope is that President Xi will get back to the table with us so that we can work together to deal with this international threat,” he said.

Kerry’s controversial statement came when he told Bloomberg that the Biden administration would have a tough choice when choosing between human rights and solar panels.

Solar panels or human rights is a tough choice for the Biden admin? What a disgusting thing to say.

Kerry also urged U.S. businesses in Hanoi to increase their investment in the energy transition process. In order to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, Kerry warned that countries must move away from dirty fuels like coal and oil to renewable sources.

It’s insane to think that these people have a say in how our government functions. When they say that climate change is a bigger threat to us than war and then in the next breath shy away from human rights violations to get solar panels. The climate change pushers are a joke and this just proves it.

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