INSANE: European Game Show Prize Spotlights Just How Devastating Their Energy Crisis is

INSANE: European Game Show Prize Spotlights Just How Devastating Their Energy Crisis is
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Energy Costs in Europe have skyrocketed due to the war in Ukraine and families are suffering as a result. People are experiencing some of the highest energy bills in their lifetimes and looking anywhere to help pay for them. A popular news show started a new segment that highlights how bad the crisis has really gotten.

I bet you’ve never paid your energy bills like this.

According to The Daily Wire. A British game show is offering to pay contestants’ heating bills as a prize, showing just how bad Europe’s energy crisis has really gotten.

On the show “This Morning,” the hosts spin a wheel to win prizes on behalf of callers in a segment called “Spin to Win.” Contestants used to compete for cash, but now they’re competing for heating bills.

When people have to resort to GameShows to pay their bills, you know something is wrong.

European energy bills are soaring, and natural gas prices have skyrocketed due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s sanctions and its efforts to retaliate against Europe have driven the bills of homeowners and shopkeepers up tenfold in some cases.

The German economy has also been hard hit, and last week, Russia announced that it was cutting off its gas supply via Nord Stream 1.

IMG 1>>>European Utilities made an announcement saying “”At current forward prices, we estimate that energy bills will peak early next year at c.€500/month for a typical European family, implying c.200% increase vs. 2021. For Europe as a whole, this implies a c.€2 TRILLION surge in energy bills, or c.15% of GDP”

Some viewers said the new prize was a “sad reflection” of the nation’s energy crunch.

One person reflected on the show saying, “‘This Morning’ having ‘energy bills’ as a prize on their ‘Spin to Win’ is the most dystopian and sad reflection on society right now,” “How did we get to this point? Madness.”

Another viewer tweeted that the show proves the UK is doomed saying, “When you can win the prize of having your energy bills paid and they pretend like it’s a good thing, that’s when you know this country is effed,”

It certainly is a dark reflection of where Europe is and we are praying for the families suffering. It’s a crippling added cost to some families and there’s no way of knowing how much longer this is going to last.

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