WATCH: Rand Paul RIPS Into Biden Administration Over Sending Money To Ukraine

WATCH: Rand Paul RIPS Into Biden Administration Over Sending Money To Ukraine
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As you’re about to see, Senator Rand Paul is not happy with the Bidenadministration and their decision to send money to Ukraine. He feels that it’s nothing more than a waste of taxpayer dollars.

Rand Paul is not one to mince words, and he made that abundantly clear this week, when he ripped into the Biden administration over its decision to send even more money to Ukraine. In a fiery interview, Paul accused the Biden administration of hypocrisy and said that it should focus on helping Americans. Needless to say, Paul’s interview generated a lot of buzz on social media. Let’s see why Rand Paul is one of the most outspoken members of Congress.

American Outlook writes. Senator Rand Paul appeared on the Laura Ingraham show this week and blasted the government for spending billions on the war in Ukraine while ignoring millions of Americans who are suffering. He suggested that there is too much of a disconnect between people in Washington, DC and the rest of the country.

Let’s watch

Rand Paul continued his attack on the foreign aid. 

Fox news writes. Rand Paul Stated. “We’re $30 trillion in the hole and it’s inflationary. You borrow more money to buy weapons. It also causes inflation. And so really what I hear still around Kentucky and around the U.S. is, ‘My gas costs so much. We can’t go on vacation this year. The groceries cost so much… ‘”

“And they all instinctively know this is from the massive debts, the massive borrowing, and the huge COVID lockdowns and all the mistakes that were foisted upon us by Democrats, by Biden, by the Democrat Congress. And so I think there’s a huge wave building. I really still think there’s a huge wave,” Paul added.

Senator Rand Paul is right when he says that there is a disconnect between Washington, DC and the rest of the country. The government is spending billions on the war in Ukraine while ignoring millions of Americans who are suffering. This is causing inflation and hurting our economy. We need to elect leaders who will focus on rebuilding our infrastructure and helping American families instead of wasting money on foreign wars. Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself for pushing this agenda. He should be focused on helping America rebuild its infrastructure, not other countries.

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