Dem Governor HUMILIATED After World Learns of the HELL He’s About UNLEASH on His Own State

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“Pritzker ” trended on Twitter late last night and it wasn’t for some glowing progressive cause. Word spread fast after last week’s report about Governor Pritzker’s disastrous new law called the SAFE-T Act, which will turn Illinois into a sanctuary state for murderers and kidnappers. If this becomes a national template, every family in the country is at risk.

Additionally, the Illinois Governor just admitted Biden’s Border Crisis is real. In order to facilitate the crimes of migrants willing to break our laws, he issued a disaster proclamation. This is in response to Governor Abbott busing illegal immigrants to Illinois from Texas.

In this report we present EXCLUSIVE reaction from Darren Bailey, his opponent for Gubernatorial Candidate.

Before we get to Gubernatorial Candidate and current Senator Darren Bailey’s reaction, first the background. On Jan. 22, 2021 Gov. JB Pritzker signed into law the Illinois Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today, known as the (SAFE-T) Act. It goes into effect on January 1st of 2023. This act, sold as Justice reform, has real costs for you and your family, especially if it goes nationwide since Illinois is the first state to enact such radical lefist woke legislation. Among the most notable features of the bill is the elimination of cash bail, a part of the legislation many in law enforcement argued would put the public and law enforcement at risk.

Don’t believe me?

Here’s an actual DEMOCRAT, State Attorney Jim Glasgow warning just how DANGEROUS this bill is.

Meanwhile, Orland Park Mayor, and US House Candidate, Keith Pekau is drawing national attention for his September 7th warning of the Safe-T act. He points out The SAFE-T Act: Abolishes cash bail for almost every offense, Individuals on electronic monitoring must be in violation for 48 hours before law enforcement can act, and Prohibits officers from removing trespassers from your residence or business.

Then last night twitter was set ablaze when people learned of Pritzker and Lightfoot’s combined, failed liberal policies. Following Texas Governor Gregg Abbot Genius move to bus illegals to Chicago, Lori Light foot had a collective MELTDOWN on twitter over just 364 people. Previously she begged Biden for federal assistance then Pritzger issued a DISASTER PROCLAMATION…. Again over 364 people.

At 10:44 Heather Cherone, Chicago politics reporter for WTTW News tweeted:
“BREAKING: @GovPritzker announces he will sign a disaster declaration and mobilize the Illinois National Guard to help care for the hundreds of migrants sent to Chicago from Texas.”

A short 14 minutes later Lori Lightfoot cried about the 364 migrants tweeting:
“Since August 31st, the City has received approximately 364 migrants. We expect this number to grow as more buses arrive in Chicago.”

Then Lightfoot welcomed Pritzger’s Emergency Declaration following up with, “We welcome Governor Pritzker’s declaration of a State of Emergency and need the resources the Governor can now provide, including the assistance of the National Guard, to respond to this crisis.”

It is important to note that Lighfoot expedited the removal of the migrants from her city without warning to a hotel in the suburbs – offsetting the “crisis” – despite saying she would welcome them with open arms.

Then Lightfoot welcomed Pritzger’s Emergency Declaration following up with, “We welcome Governor Pritzker’s declaration of a State of Emergency and need the resources the Governor can now provide, including the assistance of the National Guard, to respond to this crisis.”

It is important to note that Lighfoot expedited the removal of the migrants from her city without warning to a hotel in the suburbs – offsetting the “crisis” – despite saying she would welcome them with open arms.

We caught up with Illinois Senator Darren Bailey, who is running for Governor of Illinois, to get his reaction to Pritzgerand Lightfoots failed policies.

This law is a disaster and must be stopped. Governor Pritzker and the Democrats are trying to turn Illinois into a sanctuary state for murderers and kidnappers. If this becomes a national template, every family in the country is at risk. Likewise facilitating the crimes of migrants willing to break our laws, with a disaster proclamation is inexcusable abuse of power and resources. So what can you do, you ask? The answer is quite simple. Stop this from becoming reality by telling everyone you know what is happening in Illinois and donate to the Bailey Campaign, linked below. Together we can expose these dangers and prevent Governor Pritzker from turning Illinois, and your nation into a criminals’ paradise.

Darren Bailey’s campaign donation link.

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