Bernie Sanders issues a dire warning to Democrats, but thankfully for Republicans they are ignoring Sanders warning.
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When Bernie Sanders took to the internet on Monday to warn about the 2022 election, many Democrats didn’t take him seriously. However, given recent events, it may be time for them to start paying attention. Sanders is issuing warnings that if the Democratic Party doesn’t get its act together, the Republicans could easily sweep into office this November.
Breitbart reports. During a portion of an interview with CBS News aired on Monday’s edition of “Red and Blue,” Sen. Bernie Sanders warned that while abortion is an important issue, Democrats “have got to do more” on the economy, because “Poll after poll shows what everybody understands to be true, working people are hurting. They’re worried about the economy. They’re worried about inflation.” He also said that Democrats “have an outside shot of winning the House.”
Bernie Sanders had a whole lot to say as he was ringing alarm bells ahead of the red wave coming in November.

Townhall reports. In an op-ed for The Guardian on Monday, Sen. Bernie Sanders offered some advice for the party. “Democrats shouldn’t focus only on abortion in the midterms. That’s a mistake,” the headline read, also serving as a warning. Thus, Sanders’ op-ed will focus on the economy for the remainder. Republicans, he claims, are “anti-workers” and rants about “income and wealth inequality”. Despite Biden’s claims of caring about the middle and lower classes, he blames all the problems on Republicans.
Even the leftist outlet, The New Republic, pointed out in March how Americans associate “middle class” with Republicans.
It’s easy for Republicans to dismiss Bernie Sanders’ warning as simply sour grapes – after all, he didn’t become the Democratic nominee in 2016 or 2020. However, let’s not forget that he beat Hillary Clinton in 17 primaries and caucuses and received nearly 13 million votes during the 2016 primary season. It would be foolish for any political party to ignore such a formidable leader’s concerns. And Sanders makes a valid point – while Democrats obsess over abortion rights, they are ignoring the needs and wants of everyday Americans. Meanwhile, Republicans have a clear plan to address issues like job creation and national security. So yes, Democrats should take Sanders’ warning seriously – because we certainly are. But ultimately, Republicans know what needs to be done to secure victory in 2022 – and we’re ready to do it.
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