Check out What These Illegals Are Getting When They Arrive At Mayor Adam’s Tent Cities

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Remember saving up for your favorite video game system? Well turns out all you needed to do to get a free brand new XBOX was to be an illegal immigrant!

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It seems to most Americans that the people who come to this country illegally not only get access to the country free of charge, but get many American luxury items with no cost to themselves. Meanwhile Regular old American citizens have to struggle to pay bills, buy food, heat their homes, pay for their homes, and have to pay for cell phone bills. 

Breitbart reports. Mayor Eric Adams (D) has set up a tent city solely for newly arrived migrants on Randall’s Island, which sits between Manhattan and Queens. 

New photos inside the tent city show a host of amenities for migrants, including recreation rooms, laundry services, and a stocked cafeteria, all paid for by New York taxpayers. 

Specifically, the tent city will begin housing 500 single male migrants. The tent city features around-the-clock snacks, coffee, and tea as well as Xbox game consoles, televisions, couches, popcorn makers, foosball tables, board games, phones for international calls, and free WiFi.

I want to add here that we are getting into winter, and in Chicago specifically the homeless American citizens have to wait days in negative 20 degree weather to find a place that will allow them just to heat their bodies, meanwhile non citizens are given this. Unreal.

The massive tent city that we just covered was supposed to be built somewhere else, but the lefts favorite little socailist refused to house illegal immigrants, even with that being most of her platform.

Next News Network reported. Fox News host Tomi Lahren mocked Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Tuesday for criticizing a proposed tent city in her district.

Ocasio-Cortez took a shot at Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Friday over his plan to build a tent city in a Bronx parking lot that could house upward of 1,000 illegal migrants, according to the New York Daily News. Lahren responded to the congresswoman’s criticism during a “Fox and Friends First” segment Tuesday, alleging that Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to issues such as the border crisis.

Are you thinking about breaking the law and becoming an illegal immigrant in America? Look no further – it pays to be illegal in this country. Just check out the red carpet treatment these “illegals” are getting at Mayor Adam’s tent cities. Snacks, coffee, tea, Xbox game consoles, televisions, couches, popcorn makers – it’s like a 5-star hotel experience! And let’s not forget the free laundry services and stocked cafeteria. Meanwhile, American citizens are struggling to pay their bills and put food on the table. It’s a disgrace that those who entered our country illegally are receiving such first class accommodations while hard-working Americans continue to be punished.  In Chicago, Mayor Lori Lightfoot and Governor JB Pritszker allow American citizens who are homeless, to freeze to death without a second thought. AOC is always bragging about letting illegals come to America, yet she turned out to be a hypocrite for demanding the tent city not go up in her district. It’s time for our government to prioritize its own citizens instead of catering to those who broke the law.

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