Hillary Issues Election Warning Before Her 2024 Bid, Seconds Later The Internet Swats Her Down

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Like a zombie from the living dead films Hillary keeps coming back. Now she’s issuing a warning before the midterm disaster as she lays the groundwork for her 2024 presidential race

Townhall reports, Hillary Clinton, the twice-failed Democratic presidential candidate and serial election denier is already looking forward to the 2024 presidential election as her party is expected to lose the midterm elections in 2022.

A bizarre video shows Clinton warning that “right wing extremists” will “literally steal” the next presidential election. She says the issue “keeps her up at night.”

I’ll dig deeper into her 2024 presidential run in a second but first let’s see how the Internet reacted after the video was posted.

The internet never forgets. But, Clearly she is gearing up a 2024 bid.

Earlier this month Bill Clinton opened the door for Hillary to challenge Biden in the run up to 2024. A Top Clinton advisor has confirmed the groundwork is being laid by the Clintons.

According to the NY Post, Hillary Clinton is “dusting off” her husband’s playbook by criticizing the Biden administration’s “open borders” to prepare for a 2024 presidential run, senior political consultant Dick Morris said.

According to Morris, a former top aide to Bill Clinton, Hillary is positioning herself as a “moderate” candidate for Democrats in two years for her third presidential bid.

Morris revealed that Democrats are looking to “dump” President Biden in favor of Hillary Clinton in 2024.

Morris argued that Clinton had already begun moving toward the center after stating that Americans oppose open borders and criticizing Biden for accusing Republicans of embracing “semi-fascism.” Listen now as Morris reveals the Clinton revival strategy:

And Morris was spot on. Bill Clinton recently appeared on CNN laying the groundwork for criticism of Biden’s Border policies which would be a bedrock to Hillary’s 2024 presidential bid.

Clearly, Bill was setting up the narrative to criticize Biden’s policies, something that is essential for challenging Biden in 2024 if he – in fact – doesn’t run again. Only Bill Clinton has the authority to do so in the Democratic Party. Media coverage of the border will shift based on his words.

Combine that with Hillary’s warning and we have all the markers of a Trump/Clinton Rematch.

It’s almost comical to think that Hillary Clinton is already eyeing a 2024 presidential run, especially considering her track record of losing elections. And the fact that she’s latching onto Bill’s tactics and attempting to criticize the current administration’s immigration policies just shows how desperate she is for another shot at the presidency. While some may be ready for some fresh faces in the political arena, I’m excited for a Trump vs. Clinton rematch. Can someone pass the popcorn? It’s clear to see that Hillary has not learned from her past mistakes and is simply aiming for more power rather than what’s actually best for this country. The midterms aren’t even over but 2024 is clearly on the Clinton’s radar as they ready her lemmings for her next failed presidential Bid.

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