Liberal Calls For Other Countries To Monitor Our Democracy

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Apparently liberals want you to think that we live in a third world, burgeoning democracy and are calling for outside nations to come and monitor our elections. 

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Apparently according to a MSNBC reporter there is a need to have outside peacekeeping forces come in, and monitor our election sites to make sure they are free and fair. If your like us, we don’t appreciate blue helmets too much.

Fox News reports. MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace suggested on Monday to Representative Jim Himes, a Democrat from Connecticut, that America may need to have its midterm election monitored by foreign countries. 


This news comes after a national push by the Republican party to have poll watchers and election judges trained and installed in every voting location they can reach.

Washington Post reports. 

Thousands of training sessions have been held around the country by the Republican National Committee and its allies on how to monitor voting and lodge complaints about next month’s midterm elections. There have been six times as many poll watchers in Pennsylvania in 2022 as there were in 2020, party officials have boasted. 

Whether the flood-the-zone approach will materialize remains to be seen. Election officials will not know until Election Day how many poll watchers will turn up, making it impossible to be sure whether there will be a surge in volunteers. In battleground states like Arizona and Wisconsin, many Republicans who have said they would serve as poll workers have not taken any shifts.

America has always been a shining example of democracy to the rest of the world. We have always been a nation that others looked up to in terms of fair and free elections. Now, it seems, liberals are trying to change that narrative. They are calling for foreign countries to come in and monitor our elections, as if we are some third-world country that can’t be trusted to hold a fair election. This is nonsense. America has always been capable of holding free and fair elections, and we don’t need foreign supervision to do so. Democrats are simply scrambling to find any way they can to win the upcoming midterm elections. They know they are in trouble, and they are looking for any advantage they can get. But America will not stand for this sort of interference in our democracy. We will continue to set the standard for free and fair elections, without any help from foreign countries.

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