Mostly Peaceful Liberal BRUTALLY ATTACKS Marco Rubio Canvasser Going Door-to-Door

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 In some of the most disturbing news we’ve heard in a while, one of Marco Rubio’s canvassers was brutally attacked while going door to door.

I’m sure you’ve all been hearing about the election and all the candidates running. Well, one of Marco Rubio’s canvassers was just brutally attacked while going door to door. This is absolutely terrible and we need to get this person justice. 

The Miami Herald Reports. US Sen. Marco Rubio first publicized the violent attack Sunday night in Hialeah, sharing pictures online of a bloodied man in a Rubio t-shirt and alleging that it was politically motivated.

25-year-old Javier Jesus Lopez is charged with aggravated battery and causing great bodily harm, a second-degree felony. The arrest report does not mention politics or suggest that the victim was attacked because of his political beliefs.

Lopez’s arrest affidavit states the victim stood in front of Lopez – a Hialeah resident – at around 6:50 PM Sunday in a neighborhood near Amelia Earhart Park. According to police, Lopez replied, “You can’t pass by here. This is my neighborhood.”. The canvasser crossed the street to avoid him, but Lopez responded, “You can’t pass by here.”.

The victim told police Lopez grabbed him and slammed him against the floor after an argument ensued. While Lopez punched the victim repeatedly, a second man, who is not in custody, kicked the victim’s face.

We love Trump reports, said his canvasser was wearing a Rubio T-shirt and DeSantis hat was “brutally attacked by 4 animals”.

“Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat was brutally attacked by 4 animals who told him Republicans weren’t allowed in their neighborhood in #Hialeah #Florida,” Rubio tweeted. 

“He suffered internal bleeding, a broken jaw & will need facial reconstructive surgery.”

It’s always troubling and heartbreaking when political ideologies turn violent, and that appears to be what happened in this outrageous attack on one of Marco Rubio’s canvassers. The man was going door-to-door, peacefully and lawfully advocating for his preferred candidates, and yet he was met with horrific brutality just because of his political beliefs. And the fact that he was wearing a shirt and hat supporting both Rubio and DeSantis only adds fuel to the fire, as it suggests that this attack was indeed politically motivated. This is a shocking and disturbing reminder that some people will stop at nothing to promote their agenda and push their own narrative, even if it means resorting to violence. And yet, we know there will still be those who try to use incidents like this to perpetuate false ideas about conservatives being the ones who instigate violence. It’s sickening and inexcusable regardless of where someone falls on the political spectrum. We must all do better and condemn these acts of aggression and hatred, no matter where they come from or who they target.

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