Smoke and Mirrors: KJP Defends Biden’s Economy Victory Lap

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It looks like Karine Jean Pierre is using some parlor tricks to try and convince the American people that Biden is doing a great job with the economy. 

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Biden’s economy is a failure, and America it seems is in a free fall. But when you listen to the spin-meister Karine Jean Pierre Biden is a mastermind that has saved America, and reduced spending, all after having the largest deficit increase in history.

Daily caller writes. Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich confronted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Monday about the administration’s economic victory lap.

Heinrich argued that President Joe Biden’s claims that he lowered the deficit while former President Donald Trump’s administration lost jobs are both misleading.

Watch the exchange.

Amid their supposed victory lap on how great their spending is, Biden was bragging that inflation was worse everywhere else in the globe KJP of course had to clarify that statement.

Daily caller reports. Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy pressed White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on President Joe Biden’s claims about inflation.

Doocy asked the press secretary why the president claims inflation is worse everywhere else around the globe than in the U.S.


Karine Jean Pierre is trying to defend the indefensible: Joe Biden’s economy. It’s a failure, and it’s only getting worse. Inflation is skyrocketing, jobs are being lost, and America is hemorrhaging money. But Jean Pierre wants us to believe that Biden is some sort of mastermind who has everything under control. 

It’s all smoke and mirrors. The facts don’t lie: Biden has presided over the largest increase in the deficit in history, and his policies are causing job losses. He can try to spin it however he wants, but the American people can see through it. Jean Pierre is nothing more than a mouthpiece for a failing administration.

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