America’s Worst Mayor Plans To Give Herself A Raise While Her City Burns

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The literal worst Mayor in the entire country after failing her residents for years, is now giving herself the most undeserved raise ever. 

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Clearly this mayor needs no introductions as Lori Lightfoot is hands down the worst mayor in the country. She has failed on every single issue she can fail on. From rampant crime, murder rates, shootings, police fleeing the city, woke policies, and removing journalists like William Kelly from the press pool, her failures are endless. Apparently she felt that working that hard to just suck at life deserved more money. 

Townhall reports.

In Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s city, over 50 people were shot over the weekend, 11 of them fatally. Meanwhile, Lightfoot is proposing to give herself a raise for her excellent work keeping residents safe. The ordinance states that her current salary is $209,915, which will increase to $216,210 by May 2023. Lightfoot’s salary will rise five percent every year she is in office, and this is not a one-time thing. However, she can always opt-out of the raise when it becomes too politically involved. 

Lightfoot constantly brags about her accomplishments, yet she is so terrible at her job even extreme leftists are calling her out for the failure she is.

Fox news reports. 

A liberal Chicago alderman decried the city’s crime wave on Monday night, even questioning the utility of calling the police. George Cardenas, a Democrat, is Alderman of Chicago’s 12th Ward. He was appointed as deputy floor leader in Chicago’s City Council by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot in February 2021.

However, his loyalties to Lightfoot did not preclude him from lambasting the uptick of crime in Chicago. Lightfoot has received a lot of criticism over the last few years as crime has skyrocketed under her insane liberal policies that favor the criminals over the victims.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot has been an abject failure since she took office. The city of Chicago is a disaster, with rampant crime, shootings, and a failing economy. lightfoot has done nothing to improve the situation, and in fact has made it worse by implementing woke policies that have further alienated residents. lightfoot is now giving herself a raise, despite the fact that she has failed on every single issue. This just goes to show how out of touch lightfoot is with the people she is supposed to be representing. lightfoot needs to be removed from office, and someone who actually cares about the city of Chicago needs to be elected in her place.

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