President Mocks Reporters As They are Accosted By Staffers

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Things get quickly out of control as Joe Biden’s own staffers begin to scream at members of the press when the floor was opened for questions, all while Joe Biden mocked the reporters. 

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Joe Biden gets away with a lot of BS, so much so in fact that the only logical conclusion is that the liberal media is actively working to suppress negative news on Joe Biden. Yet, again we have a situation at a press conference, where Biden’s staffers were yelling and screaming at the press, and nobody is talking about it.

Daily wire reports. The aides for President Joe Biden screamed at reporters Wednesday afternoon to prevent them from being able to ask the president questions as the president looked on and mocked them.

The questions come as Democrat candidates across the country had rough debate performances Tuesday evening with Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman’s disastrous performance in the state’s US Senate race debate against Dr. Mehmet Oz  receiving the most attention.

Lets Watch this horrific scene.

Biden earlier this week made a statement that raised many eyebrows, and led us down the path yet again of questioning his mental capacity.

Washington Examiner reported. Although he has made a number of gaffes while in office and has fallen off a bike, Biden said in a new interview he feels healthy and intends to run for another term, but has not committed.

The moment happened on, MSNBC’s The Sunday Show host. Here’s how Biden responded to those concerned about his age.


President Joe Biden is not in a good mental state. This is evident by his recent actions and word choices. Sitting idly while your aides scream at reporters to prevent them from being able to ask questions is insane. But then to mock them while it happens is just beyond the pale. This shows that the President is not in control of himself or his staff. In addition, he has been known to say word soup- jumbled up speeches that just don’t make any sense. This indicates that he is losing his mental capacity. It’s scary to think about what could happen if he were to make a major decision while in office. He is clearly unfit for office and a danger to the American people. Thankfully, we have an election in just 2 short years, where we can get our great President in office who is more than capable- Donald J. Trump!

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