WATCH: ‘Squad’ Member Ilhan Omar EXPLODE On Her Own Voters When Town Hall Goes Sideways

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It’s been a tough few weeks for the Squad. First AOC feels the wrath of her constituents at 2 town halls, Cori Bush’s book only sells a handful of copies despite the liberal establishment promoting her, now Ilhan Omar gets confronted at a Town Hall of her own constituents and declares she doesn’t represent them.

Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar defended herself against, as she calls them, “dangerous propagandists” who crashed her town hall meeting on Thursday.

FOX News writes, as a result of her continued support for Ukraine, some in the crowd called her a “warmonger.”

The protests continued outside, where signs were planted in the ground, reading, “$80 billion for Ukraine no way” and “Yes to peace, no to NATO”

As Ukraine battles Russian forces, Omar addressed the protesters during the event and again on Twitter.

She wrote on Twitter, “I am sorry, you all aren’t “anti war protesters”, you are dangerous propagandists who are literally making a mockery of the anti war movement. I have never had the pleasure of responding to Russian ridiculous internet disinformation in person before. Thank you for the opportunity”

She continued, “I am amazed at the nerve that some people have to not be upset with the country literally waging war, but at the country defending itself and those helping them do that. I was even told by one of these people tonight, “it’s America that started the Russia war”, seriously wtf.”

A total of billions of dollars have been approved by Congress to help Ukraine since Russia invaded the country on Feb. 24.

It was reported in March that Omar expressed reservations over the “consequences” of sending military supplies, weapons, and missile defense systems to Ukraine, stating that the outcome would be “unpredictable and disastrous.”

However, Omar recently co-signed a letter to President Joe Biden in which she praised the president’s “commitment to Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s war of aggression.”

The sending of funds to Ukraine to defend itself without a plan to end the conflict has been criticized by both Democrats and Republicans.

It’s no surprise that Ilhan Omar is just as contemptuous towards her own constituents as she is towards the United States as a whole. In her latest temper tantrum, she insists that she doesn’t have to represent the interests of her own voters because they’re nothing but “dangerous propagandists” to her. Sorry Ilhan, but that’s not how our republic works. As an elected representative, it is your job to listen to and advocate for the needs of your constituency – not dismiss them and their concerns as irrelevant. If you can’t do your job, Ilhan, then perhaps it’s time for you to resign and let someone else serve in your place who actually cares about representing the people who elected them. Ilhan Omar is a disgrace and a poor excuse for a public servant.

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