Americans Make it CRYSTAL CLEAR What Issues They Want Fixed ASAP in the Country

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The economy and inflation are the top public concerns going into the midterm elections, according to a new poll. As Americans prepare to vote, we take a look at the latest polling data on the economy and inflation.

According to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll, about half of Americans say the economy or inflation are the most important issues in their votes for Congress.

ABC News writes, according to individual respondents, 28% say the economy determines their vote, while 22% mention inflation. As per the ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted using Ipsos’ KnowledgePanel, nearly three out of four Republicans cite the two economic concerns as a priority.

According to the poll, Democrats are much more likely than Republicans to list abortion, gun violence, and inflation as their top reasons for voting.

On the issues of the economy and inflation voters are likely to be driven toward Republicans, who have been slamming President Joe Biden for higher gas prices and grocery store prices for months. On the flip side, Democrats are hoping that the Supreme Court decision that restricts access to abortion services will boost turnout for them.

A separate poll by Gallup reported similar outcomes regarding the top issues on the minds of Americans.

In that poll, nearly half of all U.S. registered voters, 49%, said the economy is extremely important to their vote for Congress. Nevertheless, 42% and 40% of voters said abortion and crime are extremely important, respectively.

It’s crystal clear what Americans want fixed ASAP in this country: the economy and inflation. As they prepare to cast their votes for Congress, half of Americans say these are the most pressing issues at hand, not some “woke agenda” or bathroom debates. Republicans have been slamming Democratic President Joe Biden for higher gas prices and grocery store prices, and it seems that this message is resonating with voters. But it’s not just about party affiliation – it’s about prioritizing real, everyday concerns over political agendas. The Democrats should have listened to the American people instead of being blinded by power and ignoring their needs. Now they’ll pay the price at the polls on November 8th as a Red Wave sweeps away their disregard for what truly matters. It’s time for politicians to stop playing games and start listening to their constituents – after all, Americans are not stupid. It’s time for real change on issues that impact our daily lives – like the economy and inflation.

Separate from other hot button topics, they stand out as clear priorities for voters going into these midterm elections. And they should be prioritized by our elected officials as well. Let’s hope they have learned their lesson and start paying attention to what matters most to the American people.

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