Joe Biden just set a new record for his border policies, and unfortunately it has cost many many lives to accomplish.
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It’s not a shocking statement to say that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have utterly failed America in terms of the illegal immigrants crossing our borders daily. But why is the left silent on the massive amount of casualties that his idiotic border polcies have caused?
Western Journal reports. Western Journal reports at least 853 migrants died trying to illegally enter the US in the past year, making it the deadliest year for illegal immigrants. The deaths occurred amid record migrant encounters at the southern border, with around 2.4 million in fiscal year 2022. Additionally in the fiscal year 2021 there were 546 migrant deaths, Western Journal reported, citing internal Border Patrol data. Yet, in April, a government watchdog reported that Border Patrol didn’t gather and record “complete data on migrant deaths.” Which is convenient for the biden Administration as the number is likely way higher.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokeswoman Cecilia Barreda told reporters “Smuggling organizations are abandoning migrants in remote and dangerous areas, leading to a rise in the number of rescues but also tragically a rise in the number of deaths, The terrain along the border is extreme, the summer heat is severe and the miles of desert migrants must hike after crossing the border in many areas are unforgiving.”
This report comes after a border town in Texas has run out of room at its morgue.
According to the Daily Caller. There are no more burial spaces available for migrants who die on their way to the U.S. in a border community.

In an interview with Daily Caller field reporter Jorge Ventura, Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber said the sheriff’s department identified three of the five deceased migrants recovered at the Rio Grande River. According to him, many migrants die in the sweltering heat from drowning or dehydration.
In September, Eagle Pass, Texas, officials requested refrigerators to store excess bodies as morgues and funeral homes became increasingly overwhelmed. Due to the overwhelming situation, several local counties have stopped performing autopsies on migrants.
The funeral director in Eagle Psss as told the sheriffs they have reached capacity and can no longer take in anymore deceased migrants. The sheriff is now responsible for the bodies, behind us a refrigerator trailer the sheriff requested to put the bodies in @DailyCaller
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) September 29, 2022
Typically, border officials recover one to two dead migrants a day, most of them drowned. Ventura was told by an official in Eagle Pass, Texas, that they would have to open another plot to bury migrants due to the overflow.
— Jorge Ventura Media (@VenturaReport) September 29, 2022
"It's got to the point where our local mortuaries are no longer taking in the deceased"
Unidentified deceased migrants are being buried at the local cemetery in Eagle Pass as officials scramble to find space for the bodies@DailyCaller

For unidentified migrants, makeshift crosses are labeled “John Doe” or “Jane Doe” and include the date of discovery. On August 13, an infant drowned in the Rio Grande River, whose grave is marked “Baby John Doe.”.
When it comes to failures the Biden administration has more than a few. Yet, these stories are not for points in a political game, people’s lives and livelihoods are not pieces on a chess board for pundits to score imaginary points with. People are dying, lives are being ruined. Ultimately it is the Biden administration that has failed us. They have allowed millions of illegal immigrants to flood our borders, allowing fentanyl to get into our communities, and is ultimately costing American jobs and lives. We have people struggling to stay afloat, yet biden gives illegals free phones and food. What about the American people? What about the people dieing from the drugs coming in? What about the kids drowning crossing the border? The biden administration needs to be held accountable by the American people for their policies that are putting our lives at risk. We need security at our border and we need a wall to keep illegal immigrants out. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris need to be held accountable for their failures.
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