Pelosi Announces What Will Determine The Fate Of Her Political Future

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Nancy Pelosi had some words about her future in congress after the attack on her husband, hinting at it being the possible end of her career.

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An individual was found inside the Pelosi household in his underwear, holding a hammer, and Paul Pelosi claimed the individual was his friend. As a result, the liberal media has likened it to J6, and Pelosi is preparing to resign.

Daily wire reports. In a new interview this week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that if Democrats lose control of the House after Tuesday’s midterm elections, she will decide whether to retire from Congress based on the attack on her husband, Paul Pelosi.


The whole Paul Pelosi incident was a very strange occurrence.

Next News network reported. First let’s look at the official police announcement.

Both Paul Pelosi and the attacker were holding hammers, apparently in their underwear, according to SF Police. Using Paul Pelosi’s hammer, the man attacked when the police arrived.


At that same press conference a hot mic captured what appears to be a news producer consulting with his superior on if was able to report the alleged attacker, David DePape, was a “former nudist”. It was this moment we understood that a carefully crafted narrative was being developed.

Now the attack on Paul Pelosi was horrifying, and brutal. The perpetrator needs to serve a massive amount of time in jail. But considering how the details don’t add up, so for Nancy Pelosi to state her decision to remain in congress after the attack is heavily impacted by it, leaves us to wonder what portion of the truth will be causing her to consider leaving Congress. Guess we will have to wait and see what the outcome of this will be, In the meantime be on the lookout for nudists carrying hammers and waving BLM flags. 

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