Swalwell: Idea That Parents Control Kids’ Education is ‘Stupid’

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Now that midterms are over it appears that Democrats have no issue with making statements they never would have made during the election process about your say as a parent.

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Is it possible to imagine a world where you no longer have control over what your children are taught in school? Well better start imagining quickly because Democrats are about to make that happen.

Town Hall Reports. If you are considering voting for a Democrat, keep in mind that most of them do not want you to be involved in your children’s education.

Using his Twitter account, Democrat Representative Eric Swalwell called out parents who think they have the right to know what their children are learning in school, saying it is “stupid” to let parents decide for their children. 

In spite of Swalwell’s claims, patients still have a say over what doctors do to them. Although they may not perform surgeries, they still have a say in what they do. While students in schools may not have their parents teaching them, they are free to choose what they learn. 

Quite a few parents agree that their voices are needed when it comes to their children’s education.

Fox News reports. Parents raising children in America are increasingly concerned about “woke culture,” a focus group on “Face the Nation” found.

CBS’s Margaret Brennan asked parents to discuss the issues they’ll prioritize when voting and their struggles raising kids in the post-pandemic era in a segment called “Eye on America: Election Influencers.”

Watch here.

It is absolutely absurd that Democrats are telling parents they have no right to know what their children are learning in school. “Woke culture” has no place in our education system, and it is time for parents to take a stand. We cannot let our children be indoctrinated with left-wing ideology. It is our responsibility as parents to ensure that our kids are getting a quality education that will prepare them for the real world, not some woke fantasyland. We need to vote for candidates who will put the interests of parents and children first, not the special interests of the left. Only then can we hope to make progress in repairing our education system.

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