PROBE LAUNCHED: Diesel Shortage And Coming Food Crisis

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A Conservative legal group has launched a series of investigations into the Biden administration to get to the bottom of the manipulation that has caused one of the worst crisis to face America in 70 years. 

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The Biden administration has openly stated that he is personally waging war on fossil fuels. Now we are seeing the consequences of his semi-secret war as global food shortages are happening, and the supply chain is in full blown crisis mode. Thankfully we have a legal group that is doing whatever it can to uncover the steps that were taken to make this crisis happen. 

Daily caller reports. As part of its investigation into the Biden administration’s potential role in the nationwide diesel shortage that threatens supply chains, the America First Legal Foundation (AFL) submitted Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to several federal agencies.

Remember when Biden said this?

As winter approaches, diesel stockpiles in the U.S. are at their lowest point in 70 years, alarming the Biden administration and energy providers. The American Federation of Labor sent FOIA requests to the Energy Department (DOE), Transportation Department (DOT) and Agriculture Department (USDA) to determine whether the government was involved in exacerbating the “potential catastrophe” of supply shortages.

AFL Senior Counselor and Director of Oversight Reed D. Rubinstein stated “ We believe there is a straight line between Biden’s policies and the market’s behavior … it is beyond doubt that within the span of just two years, America became a net energy exporter to a net importer — dependent on foreign sources of oil”

Oil and gas companies have been blamed by President Biden for not investing enough money to boost refining capacity and have threatened to pay taxes on windfall profits on Oct. 31. According to the American Petroleum Institute and the American Fuel and Petrochemical Manufacturers, the plan would raise prices for consumers and discourage investment.

Rubinstein Finished his comments with “We intend to release any findings to the public so that the citizens affected by these policies can see what the government knew, and when they knew about this impending diesel shortage, Congress is interested in this issue and may well conduct their own investigations.”

The legal group is not the only ones to call out the Biden admin for their war on oil.

Daily wire reports. During an October press briefing, Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy grilled Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, asking why President Joe Biden thought gas companies would assist his administration if he wanted to put them out of business.

In response to the president’s announcement that he planned to sell additional oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) and buy it back once crude prices dropped to $70 a barrel, Doocy asked Jean-Pierre the question on everyone’s mind.


It is clear that the Biden administration has failed to address the economic issues facing America, and their illegal agreements with foreign entities have only made matters worse. We need immediate relief if we are going to survive the winter, and if something doesn’t change soon many people around the world will not make it. Biden has on many occasions stated his intent to end fossil fuels no matter what, and given how the price of gas is looking now, we believe him. But the world, and the United States is not ready yet for the transition to eclectic vehicles, and all this green energy stuff, and the only thing Biden is guaranteeing is that American families will starve.  If something is not done soon, this food and diesel crisis will continue to spiral out of control. Trump 2024!

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