Everyone Notices What Biden Is Holding That Humiliates The United State In Front Of The World

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 Joe Biden busted yet again on the world stage doing something embarrassing for the United States.

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Joe Biden is having severe mental difficulties, and just like any other person who is experiencing them, it shows in the day to day life of that person. But, when it is the President of The United States the stakes are a lot higher.

Western Journal noted. On Tuesday, Biden was at the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment event with a sheet of paper in his hand.

Getty Images, which got a picture of the sheet, described it as a “document outlining proceedings” at the event. It turned out to be a little more than that, however.

Before we get into what the notes actually said we wanted to note that the images are being flagged on social media for being “sensitive” – Yea sensitive to Biden’s inability to function as a leader. 

Here’s a list of the instructions on the card: Line 1 YOU, President Widodo [Indonesia], and Prime Minister Kishida [Cambodia] will take a photo directly before the event starts.

Line 2 YOU will sit at the center, front tables alongside President Widodo and President von der Leyen [President of the EU].

Line 3 – Photos will be taken of the leaders seated around the table.

Line4 – President Widodo delivers remarks (5 minutes) and introduces YOU.

Line 5 – YOU will deliver opening remarks (5 minutes), then introduce President von der Leyen.

Benny Johnson tweeted. “ Biden accidentally CAUGHT again taking list of commands from his handlers like a puppy: “YOU… will take a photo” “YOU will sit” “YOU will deliver opening remarks”

Biden has failed so many times recently on the world stage, that he should have just stayed home.

Western journal wrote. President Joe Biden once again faced off against his formidable foe, the teleprompter, to disastrous results.

On Friday, Biden was speaking at a United Nations climate conference in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, when he stumbled over a simple phrase.


The examples of Biden using cheat sheets are literally endless, some have pictures of people on them so he knows the right names to say, or in some cases states every single step of his day to day business. It clearly cannot be hidden that Joe Biden is not the President, and that whoever is making those sheets is the real President. It is almost like a giant computer game like the sims where people play as a character, with little consequences in the game besides having to start over, but in the game that they are playing now with the president Billions of lives are at stake through nuclear annihilation, and millions more with starvation and economic disaster.

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