We haven’t heard the last of Kari Lake. She’s making moves like no other candidate we’ve seen in the midterms. Not only has she lawyered up to fight Hobb’s perceived victory she was just spotted at Mar-a-Lago dining with President Trump. Now the question is being asked, is a VP nod in her future?
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Hook: Kari Lake, the conservative news anchor who has been spotted at Mar-A-Lago recently is fueling speculation that she may be Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential pick.
Apparently, Kari Lake, the former conservative news anchor turned candidate has been spotted at Mar-A-Lago recently and people are speculating that she may be Donald Trump’s Vice President pick. This is huge news given that Trump just announced his run for the White House just days ago.

The Washington Post reports, it was predicted Monday that Lake would lose to Democrat Katie Hobbs, the current secretary of state. As Trump announced his third presidential bid on Tuesday, Lake declared on Twitter that he had her “complete and total endorsement!” Although Lake maintained on the campaign trail that she intended to serve a full term as governor if elected, she was frequently mentioned as Trump’s potential vice-presidential pick.

Now that the race was called for her opponent, her political path is less clear. On Thursday, she told her supporters on social media that “we are still in this fight,” denouncing Maricopa County, home to Phoenix and more than half the state’s voters, for problems on Election Day that involved malfunctioning printers.
Closer to home Laurie Roberts of the Arizona Republic mocked her loss and goaded her to join Trump’s 2024 campaign. In her piece titled, “Trump-Lake in 2024? Just think of the possibilities” she sarcastically writes, “Kari Lake would be the perfect running mate for Donald Trump, as he tries to shore up his flagging MAGA movement. Two years of wailing and gnashing of teeth. I picture Ron DeSantis smiling.”
I would caution Ms. Roberts on discounting this pair in the running. Even Roberts knows, “Kari Lake is now free to join Donald Trump in his campaign to reclaim the White House in 2024.”
Roberts further mocked Lake’s positions on things we all know to be serious matters that need addressing; the totally free and fair 2020 election, the 2022 election, the fraud that is John McCain, corruption at the FBI, and the border invasion.
The American people know better than Laurie Roberts, unfortunately her sad existence has been relegated to carrying water for the democrat party rather than ensuring the will of the people is rightfully heard… or maybe she’s just a tired old jealous woman who’s reminded of that every time she looks in the mirror or see’s Kari Lake on TV.
Either way she knows Kari Lake is a threat to the agenda and would be a formidable force if partnered with Trump on the 2024 campaign Trail… just like the rest of the radical left and establishment GOP.
Personally, I would love to see Lake fighting with The Donald to regain control of Washington DC and reign in the criminals who are destroying our country. Karli Lake isn’t cut from the same cloth as the crooked politicians. She’s been on the inside of the media swamp and knows the game, she’s taken score and knows how it feel to have something taken from you. Just Like DOnald Trump. While there are many options on the table for Trump’sVP pick be it DeSantis, or Greene, it would be refreshing to have an outsider like Lake hold the title of Vice President.
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