How Convenient. Press Makes Shocking Admission about Mar-A-Lago raid After FBI Sources Come Clean

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We know the FBI has been weaponized against opponents of the radical left in Washington. But What were learning now about the raid on Mar-A-Lago is beyond the pale. 

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In a stunning turn of events, it has been revealed following the midterm elections, the FBI claims Trump had taken classified documents from the White House for his own personal “ego boost”.

Newsbusters reports. Following the midterm elections, The Washington Post ran a report that didn’t please their Trump-hating readers. As it turns out, leftists were wrong to claim Donald Trump took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago to sell to our enemies. A story by Devlin Barrett and Josh Dawsey was headlined, “Investigators see ego, not money, as Trump’s motive on classified papers.”

But for weeks all we heard the media scream about was Trump was selling nuclear secrets to Putin. A claim Trump said was a hoax from the start.

They wrote, according to people familiar with the matter, federal agents and prosecutors believe former president Donald Trump’s motive for keeping classified documents was his ego and a desire to keep them as mementos.

During the investigation, federal authorities reviewed the classified documents recovered from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and private club in order to determine if any of the information contained in these documents indicated any similarities or patterns, according to these people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.

The review found no apparent business advantages to the classified information Trump possesses.

As far as they know, no nefarious attempt has been made by Trump to leverage, sell or use government secrets. These people said the former president appeared motivated by a desire not to lose what he believed to be his property.

It is important to note, according to Newsbusters.

In 2016, Devlin Barrett, co-author of the Post piece, wrote a book called October Surprise attacking the FBI for ruining Hillary Clinton’s presidential chances. He was also part of the team that won the Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting in 2018 for its coverage of Russian interference in the US election.
And we all know what happened to that collusion conspiracy report.

Despite these revelations Marrick Garland has decided to move ahead and appoint a SPECIAL COUNCIL to investigate the events of Jan 6 and the Mar-A-Lago Raid – JACK SMITH.

Make no mistake they are going to try to convict him of insurrection against the United States so that he is barred from holding any future office. 

As it turns out, the leftists were wrong yet again about Donald Trump. They claimed that he took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago to sell to our enemies, namely Putin. Trump said from the start that this was a hoax, and it turns out he was right. The Washington Post has finally published an article admitting as much, but only after the FBI sources came clean. Of course, they waited until after the midterms to do so. This is just another example of how the WaPo is nothing but fake news. They will do anything to try to take down Trump and his supporters. But we know the truth now. Trump is innocent and the left will stop at nothing to try to destroy him.

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