Michelle Obama Reveals 2024 Plans Days After Trump Announces His Presidential Ru

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The gloves are coming off for the 2024 presidential election cycle and Michelle Obama is now giving a definitive answer as to whether or not she will seek the Presidency.

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The midterms are barely behind us and the entire political world is gearing up for one of the largest presidential races in US history. 

Western Journal wrote. Liberals and leftists have been considering Michelle Obama as a potential presidential candidate in 2024 or 2028. Why? Considering that she’s anti-police, a bully, and a general drain on taxpayer funds, it’s safe to take a guess. Unfortunately, the heart wants what it wants, and leftists want Obama to run for president for reasons that aren’t entirely clear.

Given all of that Michelle Obama finally weighed in on whether or not she will run for president. Watch.

But the left also has another favorite loony liberal they want to toss on the ballot for 2024. 

Western journal noted. It may be a sign that Pete Buttigieg is eyeing a possible run for the White House in 2024, even as America’s transportation sector faces serious issues he seems utterly oblivious to.

According to Western Journal, Buttigieg’s internal calendar shows he has “met on multiple occasions with dark money-linked environmental groups that advocate for anti-fossil fuel policies.”

The watchdog group Americans for Public Trust obtained the calendar through a public records request, Western Journal reported. The documents revealed that Buttigieg has met with groups including the League of Conservation Voters, Natural Resources Defense Council, Securing America’s Future Energy and Climate Action Campaign.

All these groups have advocated for the U.S. to transition to a so-called “green” economy by ditching fossil fuels.

Caitlin Sutherland, the executive director of APT, blasted Buttigieg for his meetings. “Supply chains have collapsed, gas prices are at a record high and air travel is a disaster, but instead of fixing these problems, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has decided to team-up with dark money groups to implement their extremist policies that hurt everyday Americans,” 

The meetings with these powerful, well-funded, left-wing groups invite speculation that Buttigieg is once again setting up the framework for another run for president, after a failed run in 2020.

We dodged a bullet on that one. Could you imagine that Obama would get to control yet another president from the shadows? He is clearly pulling the strings behind the Biden white house, and he is looking for any excuse to keep his hands firmly in every process for as long as he possibly can. Yet we are hopeful that 2024 will not go the way that the Democrats hope it will, as we have the champion of the America First movement, Donald Trump on the ballot.Trump knows what it takes to win that race, and he will stop at nothing to save America, again.

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