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Following the dispatch yesterday of the “Election Integrity Unit ” to investigate the Arizona elections Kari Lake, the Arizona gubernatorial candidate, who actually campaigned rather than hide in her basement like her opponent Katie Hobbs has now issued an Urgent Message that everyone needs to hear.

Lots of developments out of Arizona where the election there still hangs in the balance. Kari Lake has issued an urgent message, you’re about to see and now multiple counties have declared they will not certify the election results until questions are answered.

Conservative Brief reports, After the election results were called in favor of Democrat Katie Hobbs, Arizona Republican Kari Lake is not giving up the fight just yet. Lake delivered a message on Monday and said she is prepared to fight for the people of Arizona.

If half of the engines on an airplane broke down, would you still get on? I certainly would not.

Kari Lake isn’t going to surrender, and neither are two more Arizona counties.

FOX reports, The Cochise County board of supervisors had hoped to recount all Election Day ballots on Friday delayed certifying the results of last week’s vote after hearing from a trio of voters who alleged that counting machines were not certified.

Tom Rice, Brian Steiner and Daniel Wood who provided claims to two Republicans who control the Cochise County board of supervisors that their claims were valid enough for them to delay the certification until a Nov. 28 deadline. The two Republicans, Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, then voted to delay certification.

Six hours away in Mohave County similar actions are playing out as they have joined with Cochise County to hold off on certifying the state election until November 28.

Former elections official, now data/political analyst for ABC 15 Garrett Archer reported on Twitter “Mohave County has voted to delay certification of election results until Nov. 28,” “BOS member says it is a political statement of solidarity with other counties that have delayed certification.”

All this follows the explosive letter from Arizona Assistant Attorney General Jennifer Wright demanding answers and accountability for the Maricopa County election disaster. The letter sent Saturday summarized allegations of malfunctions regarding the reading of ballots printed on county printers with faulty ink, as well as possible improprieties involving the transportation of ballots to a county facility for tabulation.

The letter claims two county officials – Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates and County Recorder Stephen Richer – may have violated Title 16 of Arizona law governing county and local elections.

Before Maricopa County certifies its election on Nov. 28, Wright asked the county to submit a voluntary report on the questions.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and in Arizona they have a lot to be thankful for
following the dispatch of the “Election Integrity Unit ” to investigate the Arizona elections Kari Lake, the Arizona gubernatorial candidate, who actually campaigned rather than hide in her basement like her opponent Katie Hobbs. Thanks to pressure from election integrity activists and a groundswell of support, multiple counties in Arizona have refused to certify the election results until questions are answered. This is a major victory, and it would not have been possible without the hard work of so many people. Thanks to their efforts, we can be confident that that justice will be done for Kari Lake. Thanksgiving has come early this year, and we have a lot to be thankful for.

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