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Shifty Schiff is at it again with his accusations this time being directed towards Joe Biden, but surprisingly we happen to agree with Schiff on this one. 

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Daily mail writes. Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff called President Biden’s decision to declare Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman immune from any lawsuits relating to Jamal Khashoggi’s butchering at Saudi Arabia’s consulate in Istanbul in 2018 ‘tragic.’


Following the Immunity granted to the Crown Prince of Saudia Arabia, he went on a spree.

Daily mail reported. As a result of its pledge not to use the death penalty, Saudi Arabia has been accused of using the World Cup as a distraction after it beheaded 12 people over the last 14 days.  

In 2021, the country implemented a moratorium on the use of the death penalty for non-violent crimes, but a spate of executions occurred for drug offenses. 

In a recent report, the human rights charity Reprieve highlighted the case of a taxi driver facing imminent execution in a Saudi prison whose sister last year asked former England star Alan Shearer for assistance.

After the Saudi takeover of his former club, Newcastle United, Zeinab Abo al-Kheir wrote to the TV pundit to ‘listen to evidence of human rights abuses’ in the desert kingdom.

Hussein, father of eight, was sentenced to death after amphetamine pills were found hidden in his fuel tank at a border checkpoint.

Campaigners claim he confessed under torture and that the drugs were planted in his car while it was parked outside his home.

Reprieve Director Maya Foa accused Saudi Arabia of carrying out the beheadings while the world’s attention was focused on the World Cup in Doha.

Maybe Joe Biden should have held out on granting immunity to someone who is allegedly  committing crimes against humanity. But the move could have came as a deal to reduce the cost of fuel for Americans, which should have also never happened. Regardless of who or why this occurred, the fact is that it happened. Americans would have not turned a blind eye in the past to such blatant abuse, we would have stood strong and condemned it. But apparently Biden’s Administration is the exact opposite of what we would expect from a Freedom loving admin, and is a globalist puppet regime. Let’s bring back Trump, and end the globalists’ control.

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