Biden’s Sign Language Interpreter STUMPED When He Makes Comment About A Turkey

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 Biden is on the hook for a weird comment he made while pardoning the Thanksgiving turkeys this year, and even the interpreter was left with a puzzled look.

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Oh, Joe Biden could not go one speaking event without making some statement that leaves the entire world wondering how that hamster on the wheel in his brain is really doing. This time his comment did not disappoint, as clearly that hamster is worn out. 

Western journal noted. On Monday, President Joe Biden continued the White House tradition of issuing presidential turkey pardons ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.

It’s usually a lighthearted moment that Americans watch on the nightly news.

However, this year’s ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House got weird.

In fact, one comment from our gaffe-prone president’s turkey pardoning was so strange that the sign language interpreter who appeared next to Biden on the White House video feed seemed momentarily but genuinely shocked.


Biden has made so many weird comments over the last 2 years, but recently he embarrassed himself and America on the world stage.

Washington Examiner reported. President Joe Biden seemed to confuse Cambodia and Colombia for the second time in as many days as he offered his remarks at this year’s ASEAN summit. 


During his visit to Phnom Penh for the Southeast Asian leaders’ summit, Biden spoke one-on-one with Hun Sen on Saturday afternoon. Earlier, he made the prime minister wait “several minutes” for their photo opportunity by himself. Upon arriving, Biden ignored shouted questions about China while photographers captured them shaking hands. Biden told reporters before their sit-down discussion that the group would discuss energy, national security, and Myanmar’s return to democracy.

It should be pretty apparent that Joe Biden is growing more mentally unstable as the days and weeks progress and his mental acuity is rightfully being brought into question. What if he was issuing an order to the military and he mixed up the instructions? What if he was in negotiations with another nation and his brain let slip some ultra top secret information? These are real concerns, and they need to be addressed. We desperately need Donald Trump back in office, at least when he starts saying stuff you know he means every single word. 

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