BMW Reacts after Protesters do the Unthinkable to Andy Warhol’s Iconic Car

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It’s hard to believe that anyone would vandalize a work of art, but that’s exactly what happened to Andy Warhol’s iconic BMW. BMW and art-lovers everywhere are understandably upset over what went down  at an art museum in Italy.

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The latest instance of pointless attention seeking adolescent petulance in Milan, Italy, was the vandalism of a valuable artwork by climate change activists.

Summit News reports, Three youths and an older woman from a group that calls itself ‘Last Generation’ managed to throw flour all over a Warhol work, only to then be incomprehensibly permitted to return to the scene and sit cross-legged on the ground next to the work like stubborn toddlers refusing to cooperate.

They targeted Warhol’s BMW Art Car, a painted sports car from 1979 housed at Milan’s Fabbrica del Vapore.

According to Art News, The BMW art car is one of 20 designed by artists for the German manufacturer. Approximately 13 pounds of paint were applied to the BMW M1 race car by Warhol in 28 minutes.

Apparently, the group planned to glue themselves to the car windows, but they were dragged away before they could.

BMW’s cultural engagement department issued a response saying “Art is as priceless as it is untouchable. It belongs to all of humanity and reflects the great achievements of which each of us is capable. Andy Warhol’s 1979 Art Car is a unique masterpiece and we have no sympathy for a violent attack on the artist’s work.”

The protesters believe that propagandizing climate change activism, a cause amplified by virtually every major media outlet, corporation, entertainment industry, cultural institution, government, and academic institution, is some kind of rebellious, edgy act.

Newsflash: It isn’t.

The latest instance of pointless attention seeking adolescent petulance in Milan, Italy, was the vandalism of a valuable artwork by climate change activists. No amount of global warming is going to change the fact that petty crimes like this are only ever going to succeed in making the perpetrators look foolish. The protesters managed to throw flour all over a Warhol work, only to then be incomprehensibly permitted to return to the scene and sit cross-legged on the ground next to the work like stubborn toddlers refusing to cooperate. The whole incident was caught on camera, and serves as a disappointing reminder that some people will go to any lengths for fifteen minutes of fame. The protesters believe that propagandizing climate change activism is some kind of rebellious, edgy act, but newsflash: it isn’t. If anything, this reckless act of vandalism only serves to distract from the issue of climate change.

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