White House SLAMMED after Issuing Tone-Deaf Statement on China Protests

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After literally years of overreaction by the Chinese Communist Party to the COVID-19 virus, the people of China have “snapped.” You would not know it, however, from the mild wording of the White House statement released Monday as thousands of Chinese took to the streets in protest of further lockdowns.

As a point of reference, even liberal MSNBC host Rachel Maddow was stunned by the protests in China.

However, as noted by the Western Journal, the White House statement is hardly a rebuke to a government that has been brutally suppressing internal protests for months.

“We’ve said that zero COVID is not a policy we pursuing [sic] here in the United States,” the statement starts, clearly not being proofread before being published. “And as we’ve said, we think it’s going to be very difficult for the People’s Republic of China to be able to contain this virus through their zero COVID strategy.”

“For us, we are focused on what works and that means using the public health tools like: continuing to enhance vaccination rates, including boosters and making testing and treatment easily accessible,” the statement continued.

“We’ve long said everyone has the right to peacefully protest, here in the United States and around the world. This includes in the PRC,” the statement concludes.

Needless to say, Twitter users noticed the weak statement.

And, as part of a White House press briefing on Monday, National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby was asked why the administration had not responded more strongly to ongoing protests against the authoritarian regime in China.

As noted by the Post Millennial, Fox News’ Peter Doocy specifically asked why was it the White House’s line that “Everybody has the right to peacefully protest” and not “The US thinks it’s bad to lock people up in their houses to stop COVID’?”

The White House’s statement on the protests in China against the COVID lockdowns was completely tone-deaf, and everyone noticed. Outrage quickly ensued, with many people slamming the White House for their insensitivity. Given the history of the Chinese Communist Party’s overreaction to the COVID-19 virus, which has resulted in “snapping” by the people of China, the white house should condemn the lockdowns, not sit by and watch the people of china get beat by police and suffer under the communist government. America stands up for freedom, and we should be supporting the people of China to achieve that freedom. The White House’s disgraceful statement does nothing to further that cause. Lockdowns are not a solution, they only serve to oppress. Free China!

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