Biden’s Makes Declaration About Himself that Will Have You Dying with Laughter!

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Joe Biden just gave himself a new nickname and it’s absolutely hilarious. I’m not going to give it away, but you’re going to want to watch this video to see what it is.

When you think of Joe Biden, what is the first thing that comes to mind? It’s probably not what he thinks of himself. What you may not know about him is that he views himself as the GOAT or Greatest President of All time. That’s quite an ego. All that ice cream must have gone straight to his head.

Reported from Fox News, On Wednesday, Biden all but declared himself the greatest president in American history.

The president said, “I tell you what, no one’s ever done as much as president as this administration’s doing. Period.”

Biden spoke at the White House Tribal Nations Summit, which was to feature new announcements and efforts to implement new policies supporting tribal communities.

The summit, which takes place at the Department of the Interior, gives tribal leaders the opportunity to engage with top U.S. officials on ways to strengthen nation-to-nation relationships and ensure indigenous communities endure for years to come.

It depends on what he means by “done more than any president in history.” That is a fairly vague statement. Done more for the globalist agenda perhaps would affirm his statement. 

According to a recent poll, 40% of Americans approve and 55% disapprove of such bold statements.

Even the New York Post weighed in to correct this major gaff, noting that Biden consistently sees a majority of Americans disapproving of his performance. Prices on everyday items including gas and food have seen record inflation on his watch.

A recent Pentagon report found that his evacuation from Afghanistan, during which 13 Americans were killed and an unknown number of Afghans who had worked with the United States over the years were left behind, was a propaganda gift to China. The Taliban swiftly took control in the wake of that retreat. The US-Mexico border has also seen a record number of illegal crossings month after month since Biden’s tenure began. 

Socialism, Communism, Marxism… Just a few of the isms that have been tried throughout history and have ultimately failed. Why? Because they strip away the freedom and liberties that we as Americans hold dear. And yet, here we are in 2022 with a president who is pushing socialism on the American people. Joe Biden has only been in office for two and half years, and already he has made it clear that he wants to change America into a socialist utopia. But what he doesn’t seem to realize is that socialism has never worked, and it never will. The American people don’t want socialism, and they never will. Joe Biden may think he’s the greatest president in American history, but if he doesn’t abandon his socialist agenda, he’ll go down as one of the worst. If he sees himself as the greatest right now, his agenda is unlikely to change.

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