This Clip of Biden Trying to Explain Computer Chips is Pure GOLD

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In Phoenix, Arizona, President Joe Biden visited Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC), which manufactures semiconductors (computer chips) on Tuesday to deliver remarks claiming his economic plan is generating a booming economy.

As noted by Townhall, Biden’s plan he is boasting about has not been reflected in inflation or job reports so far.

Anyways, Biden got a little confused when he read his prewritten remarks about chips made by the company he had traveled to as proof that he’s building “back better.”

Also, in his remarks, Biden admitted inflation existed — instead of denouncing it, referring to it as a “high class problem” or declaring it to be “transitory” — but he maintained that his administration was keeping the “job market resilient” despite the fact that the labor force participation rate has declined and real wages remain negative under Biden’s policies on several occasions.

It is also important to mention Biden’s war against American energy, such as oil, natural gas, and coal, which cost union jobs or his unconstitutional vaccine mandate, which cost hardworking Americans their livelihood.

Biden also claimed that world leaders see America’s economy as resilient, something Americans also seem to see at home, continuing his charade that the economy is doing well.

Struggling to read a teleprompter, Biden falsely claimed that Americans see resiliency in our country — a statement that ironically implies the exact opposite of a leader who has let Americans suffer under reckless policies that have caused 40-year-high inflation, an open border resulting in drugs and human smuggling at record highs, and supply chain shortages. Here’s a newsflash for Joe Biden: most Americans look around and don’t see “resiliency.” Biden needs an intervention — lest we all be doomed if he succeeds in keeping his presidential seat.

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