WAIT. WHAT? After Georgia Win White House Makes ABSURD Claim That’ll Leave You Scratching Your Head

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As if the midterm election wasn’t dramatic enough, with all it’s twists and turns leaving us speechless at times, what we are about to tell you takes it to a new level. Hard to believe, but following Georgia’s runoff election this week that saw the Democrat candidate walk away with a victory, White House officials have made an absurd claim that left us all dumbfounded. 

Despite Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock’s reelection in Georgia, the White House claimed voter suppression.

In spite of Democrats’ complaints about the new election integrity laws passed by Republicans and signed by Gov. Brian Kemp last year, Warnock won the runoff election Tuesday.

Asserting that Republicans were racist by using security measures, such as voter ID, to strengthen the integrity of the Georgia election, Biden called the new laws a “21st century Jim Crow assault”.

Both the general election and runoff election saw record turnout among Georgia voters despite their complaints.

However, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre clung to the idea this week that there was voter suppression, praising Americans for going to the polls anyways.

And, as noted by FOX News, as part of his victory speech on Tuesday, Warnock also complained about voter suppression.

Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, echoed Warnock’s comments Wednesday, saying that voters overcame voter suppression to elect the incumbent Democratic senator.

Schumer told reporters, “Despite the efforts of the Republican legislature to make it harder to vote, our people voted, people voted, Georgians voted. They said, ‘We’re not going to let these barriers stand in our way, even if we have to wait in line in the rain.'”

Also, as expected, several political commentators, including those on MSNBC, argued that voter suppression occurred in Georgia despite record voter turnout. 

The lunacy of the White House’s claim that voter suppression contributed to Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock’s reelection in Georgia is appalling. Instead of accepting the fact that their candidate won due to voter support, Democrats have been perpetuating the hoax of ‘voter suppression.’ This absurd claim by Democratic officials only serves to distract from their consistent political losses and should be taken with a grain of salt as it has no substantive backing in reality.

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