Another State Is Pushing For Massive Payments On Reparations

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New York lawmakers are pushing for massive payments to descendants of slaves in a recent push by lawmakers.

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Across the country reparation payments seem to be taking the front stage as multiple states and municipalities are individually moving towards making huge cash payments to descendants of slaves. 

Ny post reports, Some New York lawmakers are renewing the push for a state law that would lay the groundwork to pay reparations to black residents whose ancestors were enslaved.  A previously proposed New York measure called for creating a commission to study the impact of slavery and providing reparations but failed to pass the legislature. It is now being revised, backers said.

The New York Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus chair, Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages, said, “We saw what happened in California.”. It is important that we pass a bill that starts a dialogue about reparations.” 

It would be a slap in the face for Governor Kathy Hochul and the legislature not to approve the reparations study commission, Assemblywoman Taylor Darling said.

In addition, Darling scoffed at the $223,000 figure that California’s task force recommended for each black descendant.

“This country was built on the backs of enslaved people. It has impacted everything — housing, economic development, education.,” she said.

A previously proposed New York bill requiring the creation of an 11-member commission to study the issue passed the assembly on June 3 but failed in the senate.

Meanwhile in California the same talks are being held, and they have already come to a number on what descendants should be paid.

Daily mail wrote. California passed a bill creating a taskforce to implement reparations. Governor Gavin Newsom formed the nine-member Reparations Task Force as part of the largest effort to address slavery reparations in the country’s history.


For ‘housing discrimination’, descendants of slaves in California could receive $223,200 each from the reparations committee.

To compensate the 2.5 million Black Californians for setbacks between 1933 and 1977, the California task force has focused on ‘housing discrimination’ – an estimated $569 billion would be needed.

The amount is more than California’s $512.8billion expenditure in 2021, which included money for schools, hospitals, universities, highways, policing, and corrections.

While slavery was abhorrent and millions of people died to end the practice, it remains unclear as how to settle the matter once in for all. Although in America the practice of slavery was practiced for 90 years under the American constitution it was ended with a civil war over the matter. But the practice was not a uniquely American thing, for thousands of years the terrible practice was carried out by the British, Egyptians, and a plethora of African and Asian countries, and even occurred in South America. Also historically the African Americans were not the only peoples to be enslaved, historically there was a massive number of white slaves, asian slaves, and other races as well, here in America and across the world.  While the world after the 1800s mostly ended the practice it still continues to this day in some African, Asian, and Latin countries. We should focus on making this evil thing end world wide, and then begin to look at how to make things right for the past. 

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