BREAKING: Trump Drops BOMBSHELL Video Promise, Vows To Protect America’s Most SACRED Right on Day 1

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President Trump has dropped a bombshell promise, on video, to protect the single most sacred freedom for any proud American citizen. This promise is sure to make many supporters of the president stand tall and make waves as they prepare to let loose and get this party started! With that support, and his newly solidified commitment towards protecting this fundamental right, we can all make a collective effort to return President Trump to the White House in no time.

If re-elected, former President Donald Trump promised, in a video you’re about to see, to take a hard stand against federal censorship of protected speech. Upon taking office, his statement revealed he would sign an executive order prohibiting any government department or agency from attempting to limit, categorize, or censor legal expression and discourse. His promise followed the revelation in the “Twitter Files” that the FBI had colluded with the social media platform to silence and limit American’s voices as well as the New York Post’s right to publicized news. Trump wants to be sure every American’s most sacred right was not only heard but protected from any form of suppression.

Daily Caller reports, This is the first policy pitch he has made since announcing his candidacy exactly one month ago. As part of a broader policy proposal on free speech, provided to the New York Post, Trump said the “Twitter Files” prove “that a sinister group of Deep State bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, left-wing activists, and depraved corporate news media have been conspiring to manipulate and silence the American People.”

President Trump has taken strong action to address potential censorship from Big Tech companies during the election. He proposed a “seven-year cooling off period” for any employee of the intelligence agencies before working for companies handling large quantities of user data. Trump also urged House Republicans to send preservation letters to parties such as the Biden administration and Biden campaign in order to prohibit any destruction of evidence related to censorship. These measures cover a wide range of influential areas and highlight the president’s efforts in protecting election integrity and freedom of speech on social media.

In a glorious victory for all Americans, President Trump announced an executive action to hold anyone accountable who attempts to limit, categorize, or censor legal expression and discourse once elected. One month after announcing his candidacy and revealing the ‘Twitter Files’, he mentioned this executive order – his first policy pitch – as part of a broader policy proposal on free speech that proves a wider conspiracy among the Deep State bureaucrats, Silicon Valley tyrants, left-wing activists, and corporate news media. It is refreshing to see such a clear stance taken toward protecting our most sacred right – America’s First Amendment – from those attempting to undermine it.

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