After Blowout Loss, Stacey Abrams In Big Trouble When Bill comes Due And Her Staffers Are FURIOUS

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Stacey Abrams’ abysmal track record as a candidate has just taken yet another turn for the worse following the latest revelation that her failed bid for Governor of Georgia has left her more than $1 million in debt to vendors. This news is devastating not only for their candidate, but also for her loyal team, who are livid at this show of horrible fiscal management and alarming woke-lunatic approach to politics. It’s yet another damning sign that Stacey Abrams simply isn’t fit to lead.

Stacey Abrams,is a well known failure as a candidate, and now she is in a financial conundrum herself – after raising over $100 million for her second -failed run for Governor of Georgia, it has emerged that she is now more than $1 million in debt to vendors. What makes this particularly troubling is the impact this news has had on her team of supporters, who must feel both shock and anger at these sad revelations. It’s an unprecedented state of affairs – one wonders what risks the prospects of other aspiring politicians will take when they hear this news.

Western Journal reports. Stacey Abrams, is facing the seven-figure debt despite raising over $100 million in her second (failed) bid to become Georgia governor. Abrams’ campaign manager Lauren Groh-Wargo, who oversaw both of Abrams’ failed governorship campaigns, confirmed the sad news to Western Journal.

The report notes that Abrams’ wild financial mismanagement has had the greatest impact on her staff.

After the November election, Abrams gave most of her 180 full-time employees a hard pay cutoff date due to the lack of cash flow. Campaign officials told Western Journal that Kemp paid his staff through November, along with bonuses. Herschel Walker and Senator Raphael Warnock are paying their staff through December.

Groh-Wargo, Abram’s campaign manager stated during an interview with Axios that Abrams sold her voter and donor contact databases due to fundraising difficulties.

Groh-Wargo went on to state “We did not just lose, we got blown out, It was the most sub-optimal situation to be in. And we will be dealing with that situation for some time.”

The twice-failed political campaign manager also stated “I would have loved to do a lot of things differently.”

Democrat political operative Chris Huttman even went on the record with saying “She was running a campaign where there’s always been more money in the future that can fix the mistakes of the past”. He went even further as to describe Abram’s ability to run out of money as a “well-documented pattern.”. 

Honestly with her horrible spending habits, and the extreme leftist stances that Abrams takes, it is no wonder she lost the Gubernatorial election when she received advice that fetal heartbeats are conspiracy theories.

Stacey Abrams’ disastrous political campaign has now left her with a crushing financial burden, totaling more than $1 million in debt to vendors. On top of the abject failure of her run for Governor, her staff must feel betrayed by their leader’s horrible fiscal management despite having raised upwards of $100 million. This is precarious news for everyone involved, particularly other aspiring politicians who are likely growing weary of taking risks because of Abrams’ blowout election loss – it’s a sign that she isn’t fit to lead even a coffee stand. If one word should encapsulate Stacey Abrams it would be ‘woke lunatic’ – and those two words should evoke caution in anyone engaging in politics today.

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