Reparation Demands: “ We’re Not Asking, We’re Telling you”

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The liberal insanity continues in California as during a hearing on reparations, people did not suggest dollar amounts they demanded the money. 

In the wake of the BLM summer of love in 2020, reparations discussions have recently gained steam after decades of debate. 

Daily mail reports, During Wednesday’s first meeting of the state’s reparations task force, a black California businessman demanded $600,000.    

Discussions began on how to calculate financial compensation and what might be required to prove eligibility. 

An entrepreneur and the first black professional triathlete, Max Fennell, who is 35 years old, spoke at the public hearing. He said that everyone should receive $350,000 to close the racial wealth gap, and that black-owned businesses should receive $250,000. Fennell was quoted as saying “It’s a debt that’s owed, we worked for free, We’re not asking; we’re telling you.”

Fennell concluded his speech with “The tangibles of what I’m asking for is $350,000 per black American in California that’s tangible, small business grant $250,000 and land 15-20 acres.”

Recently California passed a law creating a reparation task force which has opened the door for discussions on reparation payments to California residents.

Daily mail wrote, A bill was passed in California creating a reparations taskforce. The nine-member Reparations Task Force was formed by Governor Gavin Newsom as part of the nation’s largest effort to address slavery reparations.


From the reparations committee, descendants of slaves in California could receive $223,200 each for ‘housing discrimination.’

A $569 billion compensation package would be needed for the 2.5 million Black Californians who suffered setbacks between 1933 and 1977 as a result of housing discrimination.

This is more than California’s $512.8 billion expenditure in 2021, which included money for schools, hospitals, universities, highways, policing, and corrections.

So what happens if Max Fennel doesn’t get the $600,000 he is demanding from the taxpayers in California, will he push for another summer of love where riots across the country caused billions of dollars in property damage? Further, where will California get the near 600 billion dollars from. Lastly what about the white descendants of slavery, the Irish, Slavics, Chinese, Japanese, and other people who have had slavery in their lineage? This has always been a very hard subject to go over, and the answer is not easily gleaned. Yet, regardless, making demands of that nature is just not good for the country. 

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