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Kyle Rittenhouse is thanking his supporters for helping fund a legal defense against a mega law firm in Chicago that is hell bent on destroying everyone’s ability to defend themselves.

A Chicago based law firm is taking a swing at Kyle Rittenhouse as well as multiple police departments in Wisconsin, all in an effort to drain the resources and move America even further from allowing self defense.

Washington Examiner reports, on Christmas Eve, Kyle Rittenhouse thanked his followers for contributing to his legal defense fund against civil action suits stemming from the 2020 incident in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in which he shot three men and killed two.

In last year’s shooting deaths, the 19-year-old was acquitted of all charges. “Today’s verdict means there is no accountability for the person who murdered our son,” the family of Anthony Huber, one of the men killed by Rittenhouse, said at the time. “It sends the unacceptable message that armed civilians can show up in any town, incite violence, and then use the danger they have created to justify shooting people in the street.”

Hubers filed a lawsuit in 2021 naming Rittenhouse as a defendant along with Kenosha County Sheriff David Beth, former Kenosha Police Chief Daniel Miskinis, acting Police Chief Eric Larsen, and other unnamed officers.

Rittenhouse has launched a fundraiser in support of his defense since the lawsuit was filed. So far, Rittenhouse’s GiveSendGo campaign has raised more than $40,000, with a goal of $150,000. He specifies on the website that the money is set to be used for “mounting legal fees.”

In a tweet Rittenhouse stated “Thank you to everyone who has sent prayers, donations, and kind messages they really mean a lot especially during this Christmas season. Any amount helps fight this lawsuit which is an attack on our God given right to self defense.”

The lawsuit that was filed against Rittenhouse and the city of Kenosha will have far reaching consequences depending on the resolution.

Western Journal writes,  “Kyle Rittenhouse was found NOT GUILTY by a jury of his peers,” the fundraiser reminds readers. Kyle was also added as a defendant in an erroneous civil lawsuit filed in the Eastern District of Wisconsin against nine Wisconsin police departments, including ten city and county governments, despite the unanimous verdict. Defendant John Huber is represented by a Chicago-based, extremely well-capitalized, Democratic Party-aligned law firm that specializes in police misconduct and civil rights cases.”

According to the lawsuit, law enforcement was aware of private citizens planning illegal behavior and did nothing about it. In addition, it claims that they would have intervened if Rittenhouse had been black. All of the armed private citizens were white, according to the complaint.

According to the suit, law enforcement failed to intervene, denying Huber his 14th Amendment right to equal protection and infringing on his First Amendment right by subjecting him and others to “discriminatory and retaliatory treatment.”

If the lawsuit against Kyle were to be accurate it should have sued the police departments for the thousands of individuals on the streets looting and rioting, while the police just let it happen. But to signal out someone who was acquitted of murder charges in lieu of self defense against an angry mob that was attempting to kill Kyle is absurd. The Chicago based law firm should be hanging their heads in shame, yet they tossed the net far enough that there will more than likely be some form of financial compensation as the cost of litigation will exceed the cost of a successful defense, and the company will get paid. Which is why Kyle is raising money, to continue the fight and not give in to the millions of dollars backing the opponents lawsuit. There must be a victory here, or we will see thousands of frivolous lawsuits filed across the nation all aimed at draining even more money from police departments.

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